3 Properties Of Coconut Oil For Dogs

3 properties of coconut oil for dogs

The great benefits of coconut oil for dogs are linked to the type of fats it contains. In this way, they help in the digestion and absorption of vitamins and minerals.

The benefits of coconut oil for dogs are many and varied. Coconut oil is beneficial for the dog’s digestion, as well as the health of its coat and skin. Also, it can help prevent infections.

Importantly, it is worth consulting a veterinarian before starting to offer it to your pet.

Like many other things, too much coconut oil can have negative effects on your pet. However, in small amounts it can be very beneficial to your health.

The immense benefits of the substance for dogs are related to the type of fat it contains.

Coconut, and in particular coconut oil, were classified as “superfoods”. Superfoods offer exponentially greater nutritional benefits than others.

One of its strengths is that over 90% of the fats in coconut oil are saturated.

It also contains medium chain triglycerides, or TCM. TCMs are considered ‘good’ fats.

Human and dog breast milk contain medium and long chain triglycerides. Therefore, the TCMs in coconut oil are particularly beneficial to the health of both.

Medium chain triglycerides have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

Furthermore, they are easily metabolized. This improves digestion and absorption of vitamins and minerals.

dog licking itself

The Benefits of Coconut Oil for Dogs

Among the beneficial properties of the substance for dogs are the following:

1. Fur and skin

Coconut oil can help heal irritations and other skin conditions in your dog.

Contact dermatitis and fly allergies can be considerably reduced thanks to its use.

Also, illnesses such as eczema and other rashes are reduced in a short time.

The smell so characteristic of dogs is also greatly reduced with the use of oil. When applied topically, it transforms dull and brittle fur to shiny and smooth.

And thanks to its antiseptic properties, coconut oil can also disinfect superficial cuts.

It also smoothes the skin, especially areas with calluses and roughness.

Dogs’ pillows and elbows are very dry areas, and topical use of the oil hydrates these areas, which will alleviate symptoms in older dogs.

2. Digestive and metabolic system

When ingested in small amounts, coconut oil is very beneficial for the digestion of dogs. It increases nutrient absorption in the digestive tract.

This means that all the food your dog consumes in his diet will be more beneficial to his body.

Consumption of coconut oil significantly reduces bad breath in dogs. In addition, it expels and kills possible intestinal parasites they might have.

When dogs suffer from colitis, consumption of the substance can reduce associated symptoms.

Coconut oil can also regulate and balance insulin in your dog’s body. This means that it reduces the chances of canine diabetes.

On the other hand, the oil promotes regular thyroid function, which prevents hormonal disturbances.

As your metabolism speeds up, consumption of the substance increases your dog’s energy. In this way, for the same reason, it helps to reduce excess weight.

3. Immune system

Coconut oil contains antibacterial and antiviral properties. In addition, it fights certain fungi and microbes, as well as some parasites.

Ingesting the oil strengthens the immune system and increases the dogs’ defenses, so that its consumption prevents infections and other illnesses.

Some experts indicate that ingesting coconut oil can lower the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Arthritis and other inflammation also decrease with consumption.

Recommended Mode and Servings

The exact amounts of coconut oil you can give a dog should be stipulated by a veterinarian.

However, we can offer some advice. When the ingestion of the substance starts, it is necessary that the amounts are very small.

dog eating

Your dog needs time for his body to get used to processing the oil. For this reason, if you start offering the product in large quantities, the animal may react negatively.

During the first few days, the amount of coconut oil should be about ¼ teaspoon for small dogs and puppies.

However, for medium and large dogs, the amount should be ½ teaspoon. If your dog is very small, such as a chihuahua or a yorkshire terrier, the amount should be even smaller.

As your dog’s body gets used to coconut oil, the amounts may increase.

Keep in mind that the exact amounts your dog should ingest should always be determined by your veterinarian.

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