5 Fruits Your Dog Can Eat

5 fruits your dog can eat

Admittedly, some fruits, such as avocados or grapes, can be dangerous for your pet. However, there are some fruits that the dog can eat and that, in addition, could accelerate the absorption of important nutrients in your diet, not to mention that this will bring variety to your pet’s diet and prevent your dog from getting bored with the menu.

Fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and fiber for dogs too, and as complementary foods they work very well. In addition, you can, with the fruits, provide a greater variety of products for your dog, making it take longer to lose interest in your dish.

However, you should keep in mind that there are some fruits that are not recommended for them, we’ll look at some of them here.

Before we start, it is worth clarifying that whenever you feed your dog fruit, it is best to eliminate the skin and seeds, as some can be toxic (for example, melon and watermelon seeds) so that ideally, he doesn’t consume them.

Also take into account that some fruits are better than others, depending on the specific needs of each dog, but still they must have a specific diet to supply any vitamin deficiency they may have.

The best thing you can do is get him used to consuming fruit from a young age.  Remember that dogs are omnivores with a carnivorous tendency, so it’s best for your dog to get used to eating fruit when he’s still a puppy, because as an adult it will be easier for him to reject them.

Dog in front of different foods


It has been shown that the consumption of melons in dogs causes an effect very similar to that which occurs in the human body, so dogs can benefit greatly from the consumption of this fruit.

Melons are, in addition to being a good source of hydration, rich in vitamins such as A, B-6 and vitamin C. They also have a high content of beta-carotene, which helps to reduce the risk of cancer and cell damage.

To top it off,  the melon will benefit your dog’s eyesight, in particular, the melon protects against degenerative diseases. It also contains folic acid and fiber, which will greatly aid your digestion.


Dogs like apples, although due to the high glucose content, it is best to give them apples in a dosed way. Eating once a week will be enough.

The benefits of dogs eating apples is mainly due to the high content of antioxidants that the apple has, therefore, in addition to having fun eating it, it will be beneficial to the body and will contribute a lot of vitamin C.


Pumpkin is excellent for regulating your dog’s digestive system, as they have a high concentration of fiber, vitamin A and antioxidants. It can be very useful when treating diarrhea in dogs, as well as constipation.

As an added benefit, regular consumption of pumpkin can help prevent heart disease and contribute to the overall good performance of the cardiovascular system.



Blueberries have a high content of resveratrol, which is widely used in cancer prevention, in addition to having qualities also for the prevention of heart disease.

Likewise, the tannins present in blueberries are excellent for preventing urinary tract infections and benefit from treating them, both in dogs and in humans, so they are a great complement to the diet.


The high content of lycopene (present in all berries) is very good for preventing skin problems and cardiovascular diseases, such as hardening of the arteries. Watermelon can also be used as a food supplement in the treatment of diabetes.

In addition, it is very refreshing during hot summer days and will also contribute vitamins A, B and C, as well as other nutrients such as thiamine.

Image credits: Chien.

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