5 Tips For Dealing With Dog Aggression

It is possible for a dog to behave violently because it is suffering from an illness or pain; because you are scared or simply to defend what you consider your territory. From this, one can think of training to solve violent attitudes.
5 tips for dealing with dog aggression

We understand that dealing with dog aggression can be a challenge, especially for those new to the subject. What is certain is that these cases can be very worrying; because there is a risk that the animal will be grievously hurt while we are trying to calm it down.

However, the causes that trigger this aggressiveness in dogs are varied. At the root of the problem, dealing with dog aggression may have one or more solutions; whose difficulty may vary depending on the case. First, however, we must talk a little about aggressiveness.

What is aggressiveness in dogs?

Aggression is an animal’s instinctive reaction to certain situations and stimuli. These stimuli are not always due to imminent danger or an attack from another animal. Normally, they are panic reactions or even pain reactions.

That’s it, a dog is aggressive not because he wants to do damage voluntarily; it’s because it responds to your survival instinct.

When they are injured, the violent reaction is normal because they do not fully understand the reason for their pain or illness.

But aggressiveness is not always the result of pain; because sometimes it becomes a behavior problem for not being properly trained.

Knowing the signs of aggression is critical, and understanding where it comes from is essential to dealing with dog aggression.

reasons for aggressiveness in dogs

Reasons for aggressiveness in dogs

A dog can be aggressive for different reasons. Much of these being responses to your primal instincts that you still bring back from the days you were wild animals.

We’ve already talked a bit about how aggressiveness is a reaction to pain; but it can also be a reaction to an illness.

Dermatitis and oral diseases are the main causes of aggression in dogs. They bring out the great irritation the animal feels in its body, or the swelling it feels in its mouth.

The animal does not fully understand what is going on in its body, so it reacts that way, out of both fear and pain.

Furthermore, the animal reacts like this to protect its family; as is the case of mothers who have just given birth.

The maternal instinct is a great force that moves the animal world, and dogs are no exception to the rule. A mother can do anything; and even sacrificing your own life for the welfare of your puppies, so being aggressive is a form of defense.

Another reason why a dog can be aggressive may have to do with defending its territory. We’ve heard a lot about guard dogs and how violent they can be; and the reason is that they defend the ground as if it were their own.

Therefore, it is important to have a good presentation in front of a dog far from our group.

Similar to this feeling, dogs also react violently when interrupted while eating. He is defending his food; so that no one will steal from you. Understanding the reasons why our pet reacts like this is essential for dealing with the dog’s aggression.

aggressive dog

How to deal with dog aggression?

There are several ways to deal with dog aggression, and a large part of the effort requires a lot of patience and self-confidence. Before using any of the methods that will be mentioned below; It is ideal to consult a veterinarian to rule out some diseases that make your dog aggressive.

  • Avoid painful punishments. Pain is a cause of aggression, so it is ideal to avoid the dog feeling it. Try milder punishments or verbal reprimands rather than resorting to brusque movements.
  • Likewise, avoid play with physical contact. As trainers, we are aware that playing wrestling with our dog can be fun, but it only makes our dog’s behavior worse. The reason is that the dog can get overly excited and resort to biting; even kidding.
  • Know your companion’s character. Animals with dominant tendencies are usually the most aggressive and want to impose themselves on others. Your job as an owner and trainer is to teach him to respect the chain of command,  making him understand who is the leader of the group.
  • Avoid disturbing him while he eats or plays. Taking away the plate of food or your favorite toy can cause our partner to become aggressive. Remember that he doesn’t get aggressive to annoy you; and yes to defend what belongs to him.
  • Consider spaying your dog. Most behavior problems can be corrected by neutering our pet. In addition to putting you at ease, your pet will have great long-term health benefits.

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