Colt, The Dog Trained To Help His Owner

Colt, the dog trained to help his owner

Dogs have the ability to be trained and do jobs that only they can do. This is the case with Colt, a dog trained to help his owner. Do you want to know how? We tell you!

We’ve already seen certain dogs that serve as guide dogs, police, rescue and many others. These animals are trained for a specific task: helping a human being. These dogs are not only loved for their work, but also for the nobility and sweetness with which they fulfill their missions.

In Colt’s case, his owner needs his help. Without this assistance, she would have many daily difficulties, not to mention the risks.

Colt’s story is an isolated case, which seen in this way may seem very special. But in fact, there are many dogs of great value, nobility and sweetness trained to help people in need.

Why was Colt the dog trained to help?

Colt’s owner is called Janayne Kearns and lives in Colorado, United States.

Five years ago, Janayne suffered a stroke. Among the consequences, she had seizures. Furthermore, due to a brain injury, any blow to her head, however minor, could have fatal consequences for her.

Janayne continually falls to the ground and begins having seizures similar to an epileptic fit, which causes her to bang her head against the ground.

If these blows were not controlled, they could aggravate her brain damage and this could lead to her death.

This is where Colt, your dog, comes into the story. He has been specially trained to detect his owner’s seizures and help her quickly when they start to get worse.

Janayne doesn’t experience real seizures in the videos, just pretends to make sure Colt is doing his job well.

As she explains:

Janayne trains with Colt several times, and even though he sometimes does it on slippery ground, Colt doesn’t give up and always keeps trying to get under his owner’s head as soon as possible. A persevering and faithful animal always.

His YouTube channel already has half a million likes and more than three hundred thousand followers.

Colt is not the only case

In Alicante, Spain, there is a university medical alert dog project for seizures, especially for epileptic fits. Puppies are trained for a year, from puppies, when they are two or three months old.

Dogs are trained for a particular patient, thinking of that person’s circumstances and needs.

Three dogs have already been trained and given to people who suffer from these seizures and it seems that the project is being a success.

It is one more example of the great work that our dog friends do to improve the lives of many people. Their loyalty, perseverance, and ability to be trained and obeyed have helped many people with unresolved problems to lead normal lives.

Without a doubt, we have a lot to thank these intelligent animals for.

Even when we don’t need to, dogs that do search, rescue or rescue work can benefit us at any time.

To dogs like Colt and all those who provide services, we only have one thing to say: Thank you!

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