How To Tell If Your Cat Loves You

We must keep in mind, first of all, that cats are very independent. To find out how they feel about you, try to understand cat body language.
How to know if your cat loves you

Cats are much more independent and less expressive than dogs, so it can be harder to understand what they feel. Still, when we understand their body language, it sheds a lot of light on their feelings. Today, we’ll talk about some signs that will let you know if your cat loves you.

Do you want to know if your cat loves you?

You just have to watch your pussy carefully and then take into account some of the gestures she makes to show her love for you.

he loves being on the couch with you

If, when you sit on the couch, he doesn’t hesitate to come over to you and lie down beside you, don’t doubt, your cat loves you. It is true that cats are generally less sociable than dogs, which makes this gesture unmistakable, therefore, a demonstration of love for the owner.

Of course, you know that your independent demeanor will always stand out, so it’s possible that many times you want him to sit with you on the couch and he won’t. This is having a cat as a pet…

rub your head on you

If, when given the chance, your cat approaches you and bangs its head against your body, or rubs it against you, there’s no doubt about your feelings. Many experts have analyzed the famous “butt heads” and asserted that they are intended to express deep feelings towards the person they are directed at. These feelings have to do with attachment, affection and acceptance. What more could you want?

look at you

It’s true that at times he can be thirsty or hungry, but if he looks and meows it’s because he wants to be in closer contact with you. It’s like he wants to start a conversation with you or express how he feels. Don’t you think that’s cute?

tricolor cat

he doesn’t scratch you 

If you’ve had your cat since he was a kitten, it’s very likely that you’ve taken multiple  scratches  from him, although none of them were malicious, we don’t doubt that. The truth is, nails are their method of defense, and when they believe something is going to hurt them, they instinctively stick out their claws.

If he leaves when the visitors arrive

Perhaps your cat was nearby when  visitors arrived at your house. But if he leaves when other human beings arrive, although he’s always with you in the same place when you’re alone, this is a demonstration that he just wants to be with you and no one else, don’t you think?

At least you already know that he would never leave you for anyone, even if sometimes he doesn’t pay attention to you or seems not to want to be by your side. You’ve already realized that  to understand cat love, it’s necessary to go deeper into their movements.

If he lies down at your feet

This is a gesture that dogs do a lot too, but if your cat does it, it’s because he has a lot to tell you. If one day you are suddenly sitting on the couch and your cat comes to your feet and curls up on them, looking for your warmth and your love, it is because he feels at ease and because he loves you. No doubt it!

cat nebelung

knead, knead

This may be one of the most annoying cat gestures for some, especially if they do it when we’re sleeping, but do  you know what is the biggest show of love your cat could give you?

His paw pads are an important form of communication for his body, as they emit pheromones, which indicate that the person he loves will be attracted. Yes, he screwed you   because he loves you and wants to be with you and, most of all, he wants to be reciprocated.

Now you know what are the most obvious signs that your cat loves you. Have you ever seen this or other funny gestures that demonstrate it? So don’t doubt your feline anymore and enjoy your unlimited love. But only when he wants to, you know!

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