Understand What Each Movement Of Your Cat’s Tail Means

Understand what each movement of your cat's tail means

Cats use their bodies to communicate with us. While some breeds meow enough to get their owners’ attention through their bodies, cats also give us many signals through their tails. One thing that tends to be overlooked by owners is the importance of the cat’s tail movement in the communication process, so let’s give a brief explanation of what it means when the tail moves in a certain way.

When it comes to tails, cats can have them in many ways, stretched, curled or bristled. Although we generally ignore the movements that cats make with their tails, they are usually voluntary and have a communicative purpose.

to consider

cat's tail curved

Before you can interpret the meaning of your cat’s tail, keep in mind the knowledge you gain from living with your cat .

Cats, like people, have different personalities, which makes them unique. Through socializing, you learn to recognize different attitudes about your state of mind, so you should keep that in mind when interpreting what he means.

It ‘s also important that you watch your body, in general, if it shows its teeth, or spits, it’s because it’s tense.

The easiest way to understand your cat is to be aware that it communicates with its whole body, in general, and not parts of it. Cats’ communication encompasses their paws, back, fur, meowing and facial expression.

Something you should also assess in all situations is whether your cat is in a stressful environment or if the situation is calm… What is happening has to do with what he wants to say.

You might imagine cats meow because they know this is an excellent way to order things, especially food.

Typically, the most vocalic cats are the ones the owner talks to, so the  cat’s meow is usually the result of conditioning, like many of the grunts and barks emitted by dogs.

We’ve reviewed the most common situations in which your cat will move its tail, so you can understand some of the signals it wants to convey to you:

High and curved tail tip

cat's tail high and full

Usually, when a cat walks or explores and suddenly puts its tail in this way, it means something has powerfully caught its attention.

Cat’s tail high and completely straight

Cats do this position with their tail when greeting someone who has just arrived. It is generally thought of as a friendly greeting. Tail movement is important when greeting, because usually when balanced with other bodily signals, it means they feel affection for that person.

Cat’s tail slightly curved down

When cats walk or stand on all fours with their tail slightly curved down, this indicates that they are completely relaxed.

move the tail quickly

It can mean two things, either your cat is angry or seeing prey. Typically, tail movement in cats shows their mood, and when they move quickly, it often means excitement or anxiety.

Cat’s tail stretched and bristly

This is the most recognized way they can show anger and it works as a way to intimidate people or other animals. If the cat arches its tail and moves it continuously, it can be worrying as  it means it is ready to attack.

bristly tail down

This is a sign of fear. If he is in a fight and he adopts this posture, it means he recognizes his defeat and demonstrates submission.

Featured Image Credits: Cassia afini.

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