Everything You Have To Know About The Pekingese Breed

Everything you have to know about the Pekingese breed

The Pekingese dog is one of the oldest we know. It is an intelligent, brave dog that, even today, is considered a royal dog.

To begin with, the Pekingese dog is an ancient breed of companion dog, originally from  China. Its history is linked to the imperial court of Beijing.

It is said that its origin is in the cross between the father (a companion dog of the Chinese emperors) and the terrier of Lhasa.

It was also known as the “lion dog” for its abundant and shiny coat. Such was its importance to the imperial family that its theft was punishable by the death penalty.

These small, flat-nosed dogs were considered sacred animals and an important part of Asian royalty.

Their reserved, independent and somewhat arrogant personality makes us think that, even today, they feel part of royalty.

Pekinese characteristics

Pekinese characteristics

Pekingese is a good guardian. Although it doesn’t bark excessively, it will emit sounds immediately when it notices the presence of strangers.

This breed loves the comfort of home and, while it doesn’t require much exercise, don’t forget that a few walks in the park will keep you in shape and muscle tone.

He looks like a lion, with an alert and intelligent expression. It is small, yet well balanced, somewhat robust and with great dignity and authority.

Regarding their level of intelligence, the Pekinese ranks 73 in Dr. Stanley Coren’s  ranking  in his study of dog intelligence.

This dog measures about 25cm and weighs, on average, 5kg. Females, contrary to what usually happens, can be larger and heavier than males. It is a small but robust dog and its head is quite large in relation to the rest of its body.

It has round, very black eyes, and the muzzle is slightly wrinkled and flat. It is long-haired with a dense and abundant undercoat, so it requires specific care to prevent it from matting and forming knots close to the skin.

They can be of many colors, all of which are recognized in the regular breed pattern. They have an equally furry tail and, compared to their size, it’s quite long, although its curled shape makes it look smaller.

Pekinese personality

Pekinese personality

It is a very safe, alert and brave dog , but also affectionate. However, he is not afraid to impose himself if his territory is invaded.

You will have no doubts about immediately attacking another dog, even if it is double or triple your size, or if it is a German Shepherd, St. Bernard or a Gran Danés.

It is a very independent dog; he doesn’t like to be asphyxiated with excessive pampering, even if one caress or another doesn’t bother him.

With strangers, it is very common to be indifferent, but, on the other hand, with their owners it is pure and innocent love. It is an excellent companion and, in addition, it adapts perfectly to small spaces.

We should know that, although the Pekingese are not very prone to hereditary canine diseases, the most common in this breed are:

  • elongated palate
  • stenotic nostrils
  • Kneecap dislocation
  • Dystikiasis
  • trichiasis
  • Dermatitis
  • Eye sores
  • Breathing problems
  • back injuries

Let’s not forget that, despite being a dog that requires little physical activity, it will also need a proper diet that can prevent obesity.

We must also be very careful and attentive to their coat, which must be brushed and combed constantly so that, as mentioned earlier, it does not tangle.

Although the Pekingese dog is an independent and inactive dog, they too, like almost all dogs, don’t like to be alone for long periods of time.

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