4 Species Of Marine Crabs

4 species of sea crabs

With very different sizes, shapes and colors, these marine crabs draw attention for their shells and, above all, for their large legs.

These crustaceans are characterized by having five pairs of legs, and two of them in the form of ‘tweezers’, with which they defend or capture food.

So, next, we’re going to talk about some of the species of marine crabs that can be found in different parts of the world.

Sea Crab Species

1. Ghost Crab

Also known as sand crab, it is a pale yellow decapod with nocturnal behavior. That’s why it’s called a ‘ghost’.

Another of its most striking features is that it has one clamp larger than the other. We can also highlight your black eyes above the body, which gives you a 360​​° view.

The ghost crab (picture that opens this article) can run at 20 km/h to escape predators.

In addition, another defense technique is to bury yourself in the sand or dig holes along the shores of beaches. It feeds on clams, smaller crabs and eggs or turtle hatchlings.

2. Japanese giant crab

We are talking here about one of the biggest species of marine crabs that exist. He belongs to the ‘spiders’ group.

In this way, they are distinguished from others by having a triangular carapace and very long legs, up to two meters. Also, they weigh about 20 pounds.

4 sea crabs

The giant crab lives in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, more precisely on the shores of Japan.

Its body is orange with white flecks and it can blend in with anything found in water. An interesting fact is that he is blind, although his hearing is more than developed. Besides, it has some hairs to detect underwater waves.

3. Hermit crab

Without a doubt, it is a very curious species, as it “picks” abandoned snail shells, or any other object, to protect its abdomen, which is very soft.

There are many types of hermit crabs around the world and the same thing happens to them. Thus, as they grow in size, they need to change homes.

hermit crab

It feeds on carrion, but supplements its diet with snails, worms, mussels, larvae, crustaceans and plants.

Mates twice a year and the female carries the eggs under her abdomen after fertilizing, until she finds a suitable place to release them.

4. Blue Crab

The last species of sea crab on this list has  its body covered in a colorful exoskeleton and is therefore called ‘blue’.

Females have reddish or orange patches on the tips of their legs.

4 species of marine crabs: the blue crab

The blue crab lives in the Atlantic Ocean, from Argentina to Nova Scotia, and in the Gulf of Mexico. It prefers tropical coasts, bays and the mouths of rivers and estuaries, as long as the water is warm.

It is large (it can measure more than 20 centimeters), its shell is circular and it feeds on crustaceans, fish, algae and molluscs.

It is a very active and voracious animal, whose reproduction is oviparous and very prolific. Therefore, a female can lay up to two million eggs per year.

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