Top 5 Most Athletic Dog Breeds

The 5 Most Athlete Dog Breeds

When you decide to have a pet, you usually want it to have certain characteristics for a good relationship. If you’re one of those people who love physical exercise, we’ve told you some details about the most athletic dog breeds that are excellent companions when you go to exercise.

Q What are the most athletic dog breeds?

labradores brincando

Although, in principle, most dogs could more or less successfully fulfill the task of exercising outdoors with you, we will provide information on five breeds of dogs that are ideal for practicing sports.

If you are a person who chooses to exercise daily, whether for professional reasons or for a simple lifestyle, we can tell you which are the ideal breeds to accompany you during your physical exercises.

Siberian Husky

The famous sled dogs are excellent companions for exercise lovers. . Don’t hesitate to choose them. Among its features, the following stand out:

  • Speed;
  • Agility;
  • Resistance;
  • Force.

The Huskies won’t let you down if you’re an inveterate athlete.

australian shepherd

The Australian Shepherd, like any working dog, is a very active animal, which has a lot of energy and dynamism. . For this reason, you need to exercise regularly. Furthermore, as it is balanced, friendly and obedient – ​​and it is worth remembering that it is a guard dog – it does not present great inconveniences when coming into contact with other dogs or people.

labrador retriever

Don’t let the quiet and patient nature of the Labrador Retriever fool you. He is a dog with a lot of energy and loves to move. . Also, by keeping it active, you’ll prevent it from developing the breed’s typical tendency to put on weight. Keep in mind the fact that they are water-loving animals, and keep this in mind when choosing your type of exercise.


If there is an enemy of sedentary lifestyle, this is the Pointer . It will not only gladly accompany you when you exercise, it will demand more from you. Fast, strong and tireless, it is also part of the main hunting dog breeds.


Another ideal dog to keep you company when you’re exercising is the Dalmatian. Remember that, some time ago, they were animals that ran alongside horse-drawn carriages, either as guardians or simply as a sign of nobility status. Dalmatians have great strength and an athletic body, with good musculature. .

Recommendations for exercising with your dog

Attention! Before you go out with your pet and exercise, consider a series of questions so that everything goes well. . Therefore, pay attention to the following information:

  • Do not expose your furry friend to intense physical activity without the vet giving the green light after a thorough review of your health status.
  • Allow your pet to progressively adapt to your pace. Don’t force your dog. Little by little he will get far.
  • Avoid exercising in extreme temperatures, especially during heat . It is recommended to do physical activities during the early hours of the morning or at dusk.
  • Keep yourself and your dog hydrated . Remember that dogs dehydrate faster than we do. Therefore, make sure you and your four-legged friend have access to water during physical activity.

Other recommendations during exercise with your furry

Cachorro correndo

Also, pay attention to the following topics if you want to practice physical activities with your pet:

  • It is not recommended that a dog run long distances if it is less than one year old. . Wait until your bones are strong enough to face the challenge.
  • Ideally, an athlete dog should weigh more than 15 kilos.
  • If you exercise at night, don’t forget to use a reflective light for both you and your dog. .
  • If you take him for a run on a leash, you should go ahead of him to avoid accidents and possible injuries to both of you.
  • Pay attention to prevent the dog from escaping or ending up in the middle of a fight with other dogs during the practice of physical activity.

Above all, no matter how professional, turn these practices into pleasant moments that serve to strengthen the bond between you and your dear pet .

Image credits: Rhythm.

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