Mental Health, 5 Benefits Of Having A Pet

Mental Health, 5 Benefits of Owning a Pet

When we choose to have a pet, we certainly don’t do it thinking about the benefits it can bring us. However, studies are constantly published confirming that living with them helps us in different ways at all stages of our existence. Today we will reveal to you all the good that sharing a home with a pet does for your mental health.

The benefit to our mental health when owning a pet is…

Mental health

Let’s start by making a list of the good things a pet offers us on a daily basis. For example:

  • Let us know how much they love us permanently.
  • They don’t judge us for our actions or question our mistakes.
  • They don’t make fun of us and don’t laugh at us.
  • They don’t discriminate against us for our physical appearance or for anything different that we have.

    Put more items that seem appropriate to you on this list. You will see that it is possible to see that, by not seeing us with human eyes, animals are the key to helping us to be better people.

    Below, we’ll detail 5 benefits for your mental health that having a pet brings us.

    • Drive away feelings of loneliness

    For people who live or spend a lot of time alone, having the company of an animal makes them feel more secure about themselves and, moreover, more protected.

    It’s just that, even though they don’t speak our language, pets encourage communication and contact. It’s just a matter of paying attention and decoding their language. With a good caress session we can drive away any glimmer of loneliness.

    • Alleviate depressive states

    When someone gets depressed, they tend to lose the desire to relate to their environment in any of its ways. But, when having a pet, responsibility will surely prevail over depression. The animals have to be fed, taken for walks and a long series of eteceteras.

    Also, hugging a furry friend is often a great remedy to improve any depressive state.

    • Decrease stress

    There is nothing better than dedicating a special moment to your pet after a journey in which the stress has exhausted you. A long and relaxing walk, or a good session of games or caresses, are the best antidotes against this evil of our days.

    So, learn from your furry friend to find a moment every day to relax. You will find the results to be amazing. Much better than any conventional treatment.

    • make us more responsible

    Since children, having a pet makes us more responsible people.

    Knowing that another being depends on us and that, in addition to enjoying their company, we must make ourselves responsible for the care, as best as possible, “trains” us to exercise responsibility in all aspects of life.

    • Enrich social life

    Dog owners know that the timing of the walk is usually ideal for meeting people. New friendships can arise, find a new love or simply have a nice conversation with a stranger.

    Also, in addition to outings, pets are always a good topic to talk about at any social gathering, and they are even an excellent excuse to start communicating through social media.

    Having a pet makes us happier

    Mental health

    As a way of wrapping up the above points, we can conclude that a pet makes us happier.

    To explain this, we will have to resort to terms that, perhaps, are usually too “scientific”. It’s just that sharing some good times with our non-human friends increases our oxytocin levels and stimulates the production of serotonin and dopamine. In contrast, this causes cortisol levels to decrease.

    This combination, in addition to helping to ward off stress and depression, simply increases our feelings of happiness.

    But maybe it doesn’t make much difference to use all this terminology to say what you already know. If a pet is part of your life, you are certainly a happy person.

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