Signs Of Disease In Dogs And How To Detect Them

When something is wrong with our pets, it is important that we are on the lookout to cure them as soon as possible. So today we’ll talk about the most common signs of illness in dogs.
Signs of Illness in Dogs and How to Detect Them

Getting to know our dog is important at all levels. In this sense, being able to detect some physiological signs can mean a lot to our canine friend’s health. In the following lines, we will detail what are the signs of illness in dogs and how to detect them.

Inappetence and oral problems

Normally,  a dog that is in perfect health does not lose its appetite. Therefore, if we observe that our pet has stopped eating, the cause could be some kind of disorder or disorder. We can also detect a lack of appetite if the animal varies markedly in weight.

Dietary changes are among the signs of illness in dogs

Lack of appetite is usually associated with other symptoms, such as gum discomfort due to gingivitis, fever or even vomiting. If these signs persist, we should go to the vet without fail.

excessive itching

Dogs itch naturally. Now, if this scratching becomes something continuous and with some sign of discomfort, we could be talking about some kind of disease in dogs. A likely cause could be lack of skin hydration.

itchy dog

If, on the other hand, the scratching is located in a specific area,  we must be careful as it could be a tick, a serious infection or an allergy.

Nodules, possible signs of disease in dogs

Any unusual lump or inflammation should be a cause for attention. If, when examining our dog, we detect the presence of an unknown mass, it is necessary to notify the veterinarian who is accompanying us. The most common is that it is just fat, bruises or warts.

Dog with tumor at the veterinarian

However, sometimes malignant tumors appear that require more controlled and aggressive treatment. Therefore, it is important to examine our dog from time to time to rule out these types of situations.

Other Signs of Illness in Dogs

Sometimes illnesses or disorders can manifest in our dogs’ behavior. Through some unusual acts, dogs can alert us that something is not right.

Some of these signs are moans, with which they alert us to something that happens to them. Both lethargy and prolonged restlessness can be symptoms that they are being affected by some disorder.

Angry dog

Excessive aggressiveness towards other dogs and humans, as well as a very solitary and elusive attitude, can also be indicative of illness.

For all that, we must be alert if we detect any of these signs and then act accordingly. The health of our four-legged friends is of the utmost importance.

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