Dog Poisoning Symptoms

Dog poisoning symptoms

Dog poisoning causes your pet to start exhibiting strange behavior and if you see symptoms presented here, you need to act quickly.  When it comes to life threatening situations, every minute counts and we all want your pet to live! So, read the text below carefully and be prepared if your dog is suffering.

However, before continuing, if you came to this article because you think your pet is poisoned, please stop reading and CONTACT YOUR VETERINARIAN NOW!

Symptoms of Poisoning in Dog

Each of the different types of poisoning that can affect dogs have, in turn, different symptoms . We all know that our dogs end up eating a lot of things they shouldn’t eat, so it’s our duty to keep dangerous objects away from them. Next, we’ll introduce you to the different types of symptoms associated with poisoning a dog.

irregular heartbeat

Dogs with irregular heartbeats and other cardiac symptoms without a prior history of heart problems may have consumed some type of medicine or plant. This includes damweed (known as the trumpet), flower of fortune (kalanchoe), milkweed, mountain laurel and oelander.

Renal insufficiency

Antifreeze poisoning can cause your dog to suffer from kidney failure , as well as an inability to produce urine. Some plants can also cause kidney damage. Among them are the with me-nobody-can, the Easter lily, silver leaf, taioba and philodendron (imbé vine).

sintomas de envenenamento em cão

General dog poisoning. years in the liver 

Medicines such as acetaminophen and plants such as sunn hemp can harm the liver of animals . Be careful as these plants are very common in interior decoration.

Dog poisoning generates h emorrhages 

If your dog has bruises, bloody stools, nosebleeds or sudden anemia, it is very likely that he has consumed rat poison. However, the consumption of products that can be easily found in your garden or in your kitchen can generate the same symptoms. Eating too much onion, garlic, clover, or fern can cause your dog to develop anemia or even die.

General dog poisoning  neurological symptoms

Dogs can experience seizures and other neurological symptoms when ingesting one of the following substances. (keep in mind that the list is very long, so we only include the main ones and the dose  varies according to the toxicity level of each element):

  • Antidepressants;
  • Alcohol;
  • Aspirin;
  • Cleaning products;
  • Detergent;
  • Gasoline;
  • Marihuana;
  • Flea repellent;
  • Tobacco.

Exposure to bites from poisonous animals can cause adverse reactions in dogs . Therefore, it is best to keep your pet away from snakes, spiders, toads and frogs. Plants can cause neurological symptoms, so they are best kept out of reach.

Envenenamento em cão gera sintomas neurológicos

Dangerous objects or situations for dogs

Below, we list a series of objects that can poison your pet and generate gastrointestinal symptoms:

  • Trash;
  • Lead dyes;
  • Ivy;
  • Holly;
  • Snake bite;
  • Chocolate;
  • Medicines;
  • Phytolaka or red weevil.

If your dog has ingested one of these substances, he may have gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, loss of appetite and vomiting .

Signs of dog poisoning

If your dog is suffering from any of the symptoms below, ideally seek help immediately:

  • Vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Seizures;
  • Blood in the stool;
  • Lethargy;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Bruises;
  • Nosebleeds;
  • Irregular heartbeats;
  • Inability to urinate.

Advice to take into account

Record your veterinarian’s number as well as the emergency veterinarian’s number in your phone book. . Also write the names somewhere where you can easily find them in your home.

If you suspect your dog has symptoms of poisoning, don’t hesitate to call. Contact your veterinarian, explain the situation and ask for advice on how to proceed.

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