Epileptic Dogs, How To Treat Them?

Epileptic dogs, how to treat them?

Epilepsy is not an easy disease in any case. Unfortunately, our pets also suffer from it. Seeing how epileptic dogs suffer is not pleasant. However, there are guidelines that can be followed to treat them.

Epilepsy can occur in any dog, although there are breeds that are more susceptible. These are: German Shepherd, St. Bernard, Setter, Poodle, Basset Hound, Dachshund and Beagle.

Its cause is almost always of hereditary origin. Attacks usually start from six months to five years of age. However, knowing how to act in the face of such attacks is essential to help our animal have a better quality of life.

How to treat epileptic dog attacks?

Epilepsy in dogs is similar to that in humans. It is a brain disease that presents itself in attacks that happen without any order. They are caused by discharges produced in the brain.

These attacks cause the animal to have excessive movement of its extremities, abundant saliva, no control of its sphincters and loss of consciousness.

What can we do about these epileptic fits?

  • Above all, don’t be nervous. Keep calm and try to place your pet somewhere where it cannot fall or be hit by an object.
  • Lay it down on something soft, such as a mattress or pillows. This will dampen the blows he can land on the ground due to the convulsions.
  • While you think it’s a good idea to mess with the dog’s tongue, it’s not.  That way you’ll only get me to bite and do more damage.
  • Put it in a quiet place when it’s all over. He will need a few minutes of relaxation as the seizures will leave him very tired and without energy.
  • If your veterinarian has recommended some medication to relax you, after the attack is the right time to give it. They are usually muscle relaxants given rectally.

How do I know if my dog ​​is going to have an attack?

Not all attacks are equal, some will be stronger than others. What happens among all cases are some signs that anticipate the dog will suffer an attack.

For example, the dog can be very nervous and restless because he himself is feeling that something is going to happen in his body, and that way you are also warned.

Why is it important to pay attention to these signs? Because that way you can prevent blows by putting the dog somewhere where he won’t get hurt or fall.

Is there a cure for epileptic dogs?

Despite being terrible, luckily this disease is not fatal. Obviously, it’s not pleasant for any owner to see how their dog suffers, because even though it’s only a few minutes or seconds, for an epileptic pet owner it can seem like an eternity.

Normally, epileptic dogs do not need to go to the emergency room. They should only be taken when attacks are repeated very often or over a short period of time.

If epilepsy is idiomatic, which is usually inherited, it is incurable and your dog should have lifelong treatment.

However, there is epilepsy caused by a brain tumor or ischemia, which can be eradicated by operating the animal.

Generally, epilepsy happens as something inherited and has no cure, but being aware of your pet’s condition and knowing when the attacks will occur, taking steps to prevent him from getting hurt, will make things much easier and improve his quality of life .

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