Why Do Dogs Roll On Grass?

If you’ve ever wondered why dogs like to roll around on grass, there are many reasons. Some experts suggest communication reasons or animal genetics. Read on to learn more about this curious behavior.
Why do dogs roll on grass?

Ever wonder why dogs roll on grass? Sometimes it looks like they’re having fun, while at other times it looks like they’re irritated trying to get rid of something.

Caregivers and animal behavior experts have suggested that the habit of rolling in grass may be hereditary. According to researchers at Wolf Park, Indiana, United States, wolves tend to roll around in odors that they find interesting. When they return, the flock greets him and, during the salute, thoroughly investigates the smell.

In addition to your dog’s genetics, rolling in grass can be a common behavior for several reasons. In this article, we’ll explain some of them.

Dogs roll in the grass to get rid of discomfort in their fur

The truth is, rolling in grass probably serves several functions. It is very possible that this is a way to get rid of any kind of uncomfortable residue or itchy hair. This residue may be stuck on your dog’s back. Some examples are dirt, dirt and bird droppings. Sometimes birds have very good aim!

dog rolling in the grass

Your dog’s need to roll in the grass can also be an indication of a health problem that is causing itching. This can include problems such as skin allergies or flea and tick bites.

In these cases, take your dog to the vet to identify the underlying cause of the itching. In addition, we suggest that you start preventive treatment against fleas and ticks.

Dogs roll on grass to transmit odors

Another reason your dog likes to roll around on grass may be because there is a specific smell that has been detected on a particular patch of grass. Some predators like to roll around in certain scents, and dogs are a predatory species.

The possible explanation behind this specific behavior is that the new scent helps to hide the scent of your prey. For example, a wolf or coyote may roll on a patch of grass that a rabbit has soaked to effectively cover itself with the scent of its prey. Researchers believe this may allow the animal to get closer to its prey more easily, which ensures a more successful hunt.

dog rolling in the grass

The olfactory superiority of dogs

A dog has more than 220 million olfactory receptors in the nose, compared to 5 million human receptors, according to Dr. Julio Correa, associate professor of Food and Animal Science at the University of Alabama.

According to a comparative review of the olfactory abilities of humans and animals, the idea that mammals such as dogs and rats are more sensitive to odors than humans and appear to be better at discriminating between different concentrations of aromas is plausible.

The notion that the dog’s olfactory sensitivity is better than that of humans is supported by reports in which the same researchers compared dogs and humans. In 1984, Krestel et al., for example, reported that dogs (beagles) are approximately 300 times more sensitive than humans to some specific odors.

Do dogs roll on grass to relax or for skin irritation?

Finally, your dog may enjoy rolling around in the grass because it ‘s good to find a soft area to rest and stretch his body, as well as scratching his back and sunbathing.

Observe how your dog’s behavior is performed, that is, whether the animal is relaxed or tense when rolling in the grass. A slow, relaxed turn from side to side with your legs raised in the air can be an indication of your good emotional health.

Rubbing your face, neck, or back with more energy or force may mean that your face is cleaning itself or that it is reacting to a smell. However, if the behavior is very intense or repetitive or lasts a long time, you should consult a veterinarian as this may be a sign of an underlying skin condition.

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