A Healthy Lifestyle For Your Cat

A healthy lifestyle for your cat

If you have a cat, you would probably like to know how to improve its quality of life. With advances in medicine and nutrition, kittens live longer than ever. In this sense, today, it is not uncommon to see a pet that reaches its 20s without any difficulty. Below are some tips on how to develop a healthy lifestyle for your cat.

Expecta tion of life

It is difficult to talk about ex pectativa average lifespan of a cat without first discussing the differences between a cat who lives in an apartment or in a house, and who spends much time outdoors without supervision.

For these animals, the lifespan can be much shorter, as they are exposed to some risks, including infectious diseases, exposure to toxic products, accidents, among others.

For this reason, paying attention to your buddy’s habits and monitoring their behavior will help to avoid many problems.

balanced diet

Fornecendo uma dieta equilibrada para os gatos

Providing a balanced and complete diet is one of the most important things you can do to make your cat healthier and, I can assure you, it will also have a longer life.

The diet should also be appropriate for your feline’s age and lifestyle.

For example, a kitten should eat a diet that supports its growth, while an adult cat may require fewer calories or even have health problems, which will require certain restrictions.

Each cat’s nutritional needs are different. Also, it is important to avoid overfeeding.

On the other hand, encouraging water consumption is very important for your pet’s health. Always try to have your metal or glass bowl filled with clean, fresh water.

regular exercises

Keeping a cat lean and fit is another contributing factor to a long, healthy life.

Overweight cats are prone to a number of illnesses, including diabetes, heart problems, skin conditions and many others.

Every day, encourage your cat to exercise through interactive play. You can also promote the activity by using food as a reward.


Neutering extends the life span of cats. It also reduces the tendency to develop irritating or even intolerable behavior problems, such as territory marking and other problems caused by misplaced pee. It also prevents overpopulation of animals.

Enrich your cat’s environment

Environmental enrichment is a necessity for all cats, especially those that live indoors,  although this is safer than living outside, it can contribute to your pet’s boredom.

So that this doesn’t happen and so that he doesn’t discharge his energy on furniture or curtains, try to have cat toys and other objects close by that will stimulate his mind.

At home, protect your pet from contact with toxic products or plants that can harm its health.

with hygiene is better

Cuidando da higiene nos gatos

Oral hygiene is often neglected, especially in the case of cats. However, it is very important to take care of your teeth and mouth. Most cats over the age of three already have some degree of dental disease, which can be painful.

Proper oral hygiene involves regular visits to the veterinarian. Your veterinarian will likely have to anesthetize your pet in order to do a complete oral exam.

Without anesthesia, it may be impossible for him to find certain problems. In addition, your specialist can help you establish a home care routine, which may include brushing teeth, oral tissues, mouth washes, and other options.

Regular Veterinary Visits

All cats require regular visits to the vet. Cats are masters of disguise when it comes to disease. Even the most observant owner may not be able to detect the first signs of an illness.

However, your veterinarian is able to research these signs. In addition, there are advantages such as blood, urine and other tests.

Also remember to control your cat’s weight, give all vaccinations and regular deworming.

Check your cat for fleas, and finally, if you want a healthy life for your cat, schedule a full yearly veterinary check-up.

These were our healthy lifestyle tips for your cat.

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