Scabs On Cats: Symptoms And Treatments

Scabs on cats can appear from a variety of causes, but all of them must be treated to prevent the problem from getting worse.
Scabs on cats: symptoms and treatments

Knowing for sure that your cat does not suffer from any illness is much more complicated than other species, as they know how to camouflage their emotions very well and almost never complain unless something is bothering them excessively. Cat scabs are one of the things you usually notice late if you don’t get your pet checked regularly.

Because they are wounds that appear on the skin, at first they go unnoticed in the fur, even more so in long-haired cats. It is only with touch that we can sense that something is wrong and take appropriate action, although the causes of scabs can vary greatly.

Among the most common reasons for the appearance of this type of disease are fights with other animals, bacterial infections, mites, fungi or some type of allergy that leads to itching more than usual or flea bites.

Symptoms of scabs in cats

The scabs are nothing more than the consequence of other factors that led the cat itself to hurt the skin when trying to remedy the discomfort, and this extreme point is reached by the following actions:

  • Excessive licking for itching: As we all know, the cat has an especially rough tongue. So if an area within reach is itchy, licking will be the animal’s first reaction. When licking excessively, it ends up losing hair and irritating the skin.
  • Bites : not just from another animal, but from itself, because if an area itches or bothers too much, the cat may bite itself in despair, hoping to get rid of such an irritating itch.

  • Nervousness : just like with us when we are bitten, cats are also very nervous and in a bad mood when they have an itch that they can’t alleviate, and this shows in their personality, as they show themselves restless and irritable.
  • Temporary loss of appetite : Scabs on cats can cause them to lose their love of food. They even have such a big impact on the animal’s personality that they can cause loss of appetite.
  • Diarrhea or vomiting : in cases where the animal is having very bad with the scabs, it may have vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Breathing problems due to scabs on the nose: One of the most worrisome reasons why scabs appear in cats is cancer. If the animal has a nose tumor, these scabs will appear.


As the reasons why scabs appear on cats are so varied, the treatments we will have to take to remedy them are also diverse. Obviously, the first step we must take is to take the cat to the veterinarian for a thorough research to diagnose the reason for its appearance.

Once the reason is identified, the ideal is to start treatment as soon as possible. For example, if the reason for the appearance of the scabs comes from the fleas, everything can be solved with antiparasites, or if it comes from an infection, it is necessary to apply the corresponding medicine. In case you suffer from a tumor, other measures will be taken, such as the removal itself.

Anyway, as usually happens with these types of animals with a reserved personality, the ideal is to be aware of their behavior and check all parts of the body from time to time to see if everything is going as it should. Thus, you and your beloved pet will enjoy a more pleasant and lasting relationship.

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