The Sad Story Of The Most Expensive Dog In The World

This herding breed was mythologized by the works of Aristotle and Marco Polo. Thus, they became the target of great speculation. However, prices finally plummeted and many were abandoned.
The sad story of the most expensive dog in the world

From humble beginnings to the most expensive dog in the world

The truth is that the most expensive dog in the world has humble origins. He was a keeper of monasteries for thousands of years and accompanied pastors in the Tibet region. Aristotle has already talked about him and Marco Polo was enchanted by the beauty of the so-called Tibetan mastiff.  This dog stands out for its almost mythical grandeur and grandeur.

It was probably the aura of legend that made the mastiff become the most expensive dog in the world.  After all, this remains a dog that has developed in many parts of the world in different forms, from the Pyrenees mastiff to the Neapolitan mastiff.

This made this dog achieve the title of most expensive dog in the world. A Chinese coal industry magnate paid €1.6 million  for a copy of the Tibetan mastiff, named Hong Dong.


Mastim tibetano nas montanhas

A dog not made for luxury

Breeding a breed is tricky: you need to look for an aptitude (eg hunting) and select the bloodlines looking for the traits of that aptitude. In many cases it is merely aesthetic, but in others, fitness is not simply aesthetic. This is the case, for example, with working dogs such as the Tibetan mastiff.

Therefore, this is a dog adapted to cold climates, open spaces and working with animals. It is especially effective at protecting them from predators like the snow leopard, but also from people. So while it can be a great pet, it’s not ideal for first-time owners. As well as for those who cannot offer the animal constant activity.

Abandoning the most expensive dog in the world

Unfortunately, these characteristics do not allow this dog to be suitable for all people. Added to this is the fact of the myth of race. Specially performed using retouched images to show the mastiff as an almost magical being. This all caused  prices to fall little by little. Then hundreds of breeders started to abandon these animals. That’s because they are no longer a profitable business.

the tibetan mastiff

What was once the most expensive dog in the world is now swarming the streets of China in large numbers. In many cases, these animals end up in dog slaughterhouses, as in China dog meat is still consumed. Despite clear cultural prejudices, as the Chinese have the right to consume the meat of these animals. Just as the West consumes rabbits or cows. The truth is that the abuse and conditions of these slaughterhouses are already well known in the world.

The Tibetan mastiff thus becomes another example of how complicated and difficult it is to have a pet.  This is something you have to consider very well, running away from the consumerism that is so fashionable. After all, we are talking about living beings who are man’s best friends since prehistory and who have feelings.

Meanwhile,  hundreds of Tibetan mastiffs populate Tibet protecting animals and people.  These animals, at least, are protected from the problems caused by greedy humans, being well taken care of in their original habitat.

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