4 Species Of Owls

They are territorial raptors with a solitary character, except in mating season. They inhabit forests and mountains.
4 species of owls

Within this family, there are different species of owls, smaller in size but similar in appearance and habits. In this article, we’ll talk about some of these beautiful birds that live in mountainous environments.

How many species of owls are there

Owls are birds found in  forests  and mountains and, in order to communicate, they make a kind of high-pitched sound. They’re lonely most of the year – except when they’re looking for a mate – and males are generally pretty territorial.

A curiosity about these animals is that they  take advantage of the rain to wash themselves… they also like to dive in fountains or swimming pools! Some of the owl species we find in the natural environment are:

  1. North American Owl

Its scientific name is  Strix varia  – photo that opens this article – and reaches 60 centimeters (125 with open wings) and weighs a kilo. Females are larger than males.

As for its physical characteristics, the   North American  owl has a pale face with dark circles around its brown eyes – the only owl with that shade – and a yellow beak. The skin is gray and brown with light markings and dark horizontal ‘bars’ on the chest. The legs and claws are covered with feathers.

  1. barn owl

Also known as the white owl or tower owl, it  is one of the most widely distributed birds in the world. It measures about 35 centimeters, 95 in wingspan, and weighs about 350 grams.

owl species

One of its main features is the white “heart” shape of the face. The belly is also fair, the wings are short and light brown and the claws are covered with gray feathers.

It prefers to  nest in urban  , man-made areas such as steeples, barns and abandoned houses. It does not manufacture the nests, it takes advantage of the shelters it finds around them.

  1. owl

She lives mainly in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in northern Morocco – hence the nickname ‘Moorish’ – and in the mountains of Madagascar. She prefers to hunt in open fields and during the day – she feeds on insects and rodents – and is often seen perched on low poles or on the ground.

owl species

Regarding its physical characteristics, the Moor Owl  measures about 37 centimeters – 99 centimeters in wingspan –  and its  plumage  is brown at the top and light at the bottom. His eyes are yellow with black irises. Its long wings allow it to glide silently when hunting.

  1. country owl

It is one of the  nocturnal raptors  that also carries out daytime activities. To live, she prefers open areas, plantations, marshes and coastal swamps, whenever prey is available.

owl species

The eyes are yellow with black edges, the belly is white with a few dark bands, and the wings have a light colored band that ends in a black tip. Migrate during the winter to more temperate areas and hunt by flying slowly over the ground. Their diet is based on rodents and small birds.

To make the nest, the female chooses fields or marshes. It lays between four and eight eggs a year and incubates them for just over a month. Four weeks after the chicks are born, they can leave the nest and, seven days later, they can fly.

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