Draft Horses: Meet 10 Races

Draw Horses: Meet 10 Races

Traction horses, as they are known today, did not exist until the 18th century.  The breed was used for military, agricultural and industrial needs. Currently, they are valued for their strength and endurance. They can weigh up to 1000 kg, requiring proper care and nutrition. We will see below the 10 most used traction horse breeds.

Origin and utility

In the past,  draft horses were used as a driving force. Due to their strength and height, they were useful in agricultural activities or pulling cars and carriages. Heavy traction horses moved machines, while light traction horses were used to move things at a higher speed.

Even today, draft horse breeds are highly valued for their characteristics. Its typology is divided into heavy and light traction horses, with several specimens among them.

Here, we will tell their stories and main features.

10 races of draft horses


It is the largest breed of horse in the world, originally from England . It weighs between 800 and 1000 kg and can reach a height of 1.60 to 1.85 meters. Originally used to drain swamps, it was fed, bred and bred with Dutch horses.

It has a broad head and short neck, with short loin and hindquarters, but thick limbs and extremities. It is also excellent for agricultural work and for moving heavy elements.


He is originally from Belgium. A very old breed used in the United States and Canada. With a developed and solid body, it is often used to move large loads.

Cavalos de tração, conheça 10 raças
Source: Marjon Kruik


It comes from the hills of Perche, France. It is the best known of the draft horse breeds. Its earliest antecedents were used during the Crusades. In 1839, it was exported to the United States and is highly valued by the country’s farmers. Currently, it is a breed also used in recreational activities, fairs and competitions.

The breed stands out for having excellent physical qualities, it is agile and, at the same time, powerful and resistant. With a short neck, head and strong extremities, you can find them in two types: the large Percheron, which can reach 1.60 meters in height and weigh up to 1000 kg, and the small Percheron, which can weigh up to 600 kg .


An interesting breed among draft horses. It is the  result of crosses between Flemish horses and Scottish draft mares. The breed was improved by being crossed with the Shire and the Arabian horse. Therefore, it is a more elegant breed, with robust joints. Your strength and Shire’s are similar.


Born in the Ardennes mountain region, on the border between France and Belgium. It’s a very old horse. Strong and very willing, he was used in the Napoleonic era for his aptitude for running and artillery. Intermediate in size, with a small head, short thick neck and short extremities.

Saiba mais sobre cavalos de tração
Source: Eponimm


It exists since the Middle Ages, coming from the region of Brittany and France. It was crossed with Arab, German and Thoroughbred races. Its strength and speed make it special for field work and semi-fast traction. There are three subtypes of Britons from different areas of Brittany, characterized by their diversity of resistance and calm temperament. It is a breed that has been used a lot to improve and breed others.

Suffolk Punch

The breed originates from the county that lends it its name, it was obtained by the selection of native breeds. It was originally used for work on farms, for its docility and dexterity. Your birth frequency has decreased. Weighing up to 700 kg, with short back and ends, long and wide croup. It lives a long time and doesn’t need much food to survive.


Result of crossing with the Breton, it is a smaller but active breed. Measures from 1.40 to 1.60 meters in height. It has a robust body, strong shoulders, blonde shoulder pads and tail, in addition to muscular legs. It is mainly used as a farm horse, as it has a calm personality and is very strong.


A strong horse, it measures up to 1.60 meters and has great endurance. It was born from crossbreeding with Scandinavian blood and is one of the draft breeds dedicated exclusively to agricultural work. There are three types: the heavy-duty Latvian, the intermediate-wheel drive and the light-wheel drive Latvian, which is mostly used for riding.


Many of its characteristics come from its origin, the cross between Arab and Berber horses. Originally from Bologna, France, it differs from other horses in having great strength, but preserving its elegance. Large in size, weighing up to 850 kg, it is widely used for heavy traction work.

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