Friendship Between Cats And Dogs: How To Make It Happen

Friendship between dogs and cats: how to make it happen

They are so different that many feel they cannot coexist. Cats are independent animals that do not seek their owner’s approval. Dogs, on the other hand, are more peaceful and live to please.  How to make, then, a friendship between cats and dogs, two creatures so different?

Friendship between dogs and cats: a gradual coexistence

It is difficult for a friendship between cats and dogs to emerge from the first contact. They communicate so differently that one’s pranks can be a threat to the other.

This is due to the disparities between their respective instincts.  The dog’s natural need to run and chase can frighten the cat. On the other hand, the susceptibility of the latter can easily lead to aggressive behavior.

First, we must put aside the idea that one breed is better than another when it comes to fostering a friendship between dogs and cats.  A peaceful-looking Golden Retriever may have a more aggressive character than expected. The same can happen with cats, which are not as skittish as they appear.

With that in mind, we now have to introduce the new tenant to our dog or cat. But how do you handle a situation that can have such varied results?

dog and cat sleeping together

Main measures to control the situation

  • In case of doubt, it is best to keep both animals in separate rooms, at least for the first two days of coexistence.  This measure can help to get acquainted with each other’s scent without any kind of confrontation.
  • Since the first sign of identity for dogs and cats is odor, you can move objects between both rooms.  Once that’s done for a few days, we’ll be able to make the presentations.
  • The dog is an energetic animal that can get nervous when faced with new situations.  To keep him calm, it’s a good idea to take him for a walk before introducing him to his new friend.
  • Allow the cat to stay out of the dog’s reach as it will become familiar with the situation and feel a sense of control.  As a preventive measure, cut your nails. Any sudden movement can generate an unexpected reaction.
  • Have your dog on a leash. If he pulls, make it clear that this is not right with a “No!” He needs to understand that you don’t approve of aggression, as the new animal is not an enemy but a companion.

Dog and cat friendship

Early socialization is essential

The environment in which our animal is raised will be essential when introducing it to other animals and people. In this sense, the first 12 weeks of life are very important, as puppies and kittens can get along right from the start.

At their young age, both will think of the other animal as a litter brother they can play with. And we must take into account that their anatomical differences and their different mentalities can generate some problem.  For example, a kitten will scratch a lot at play, while a dog will bite a lot.

Adult presentations

A puppy’s learning process will be much faster and more flexible than that of an adult. However, if we bring an adult animal home, all is not lost. What other advice can help us in this situation?

Imagine that we are going to take a cat to a house where a dog lives.  The first thing we need to do is ensure that the cat has its own space away from the dog. If it’s a small space, so much the better, as it will give you a greater sense of control and security. Remember this is essential for any cat.

When he gets used to his new surroundings, enter the dog on a leash. Any sudden or unexpected movement on the dog’s part should be reprimanded with firm words and actions, but don’t yell in the cat’s presence, as he may think you are addressing him. When both respond more naturally, let the cat free for other spaces.

It’s just a matter of time and patience for the animals to get used to each other. Dogs and cats are guided by hierarchical relationships and, in the end, you are the boss.

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