The Possum And Its Reputation For Stinking

The scent it gives off is a defense mechanism to avoid being attacked by large predators. It emits it through a secretion of your anal glands.
The possum and its reputation for stinking

It’s not hard to come across one on some road. Certainly, if you are close, your stench will allow you to detect your presence even before you see it. 

The possum does have a characteristic bad smell, at least for us humans.

Its attractive and friendly appearance is neutralized by the bad smell that characterizes it. As is often the case in nature, this unpleasant aroma serves a purpose.

skunk life

  • The opossum lives mainly in American lands, but it is also found, although in smaller numbers, in other continents.
  • It is a mammalian and omnivorous animal, having a varied diet. Her favorite foods are rodents, insects, eggs and honey; they also eat fruits and other vegetables.
  • The largest populations of possums are  found in areas where there are many rodents. They play a very important role in “pest” control.
  • They live in burrows that dig into the ground  with their strong forelegs.
  • They are solitary animals, difficult to find in pairs or groups. They only approach other beings of the same species at mating time.
  • Females keep their young with them in their lairs. When the little ones grow up, they set out to find their own destiny.
  • There are several species of possums, although their lifestyles are similar.

female opossum

Why does skunk smell so bad?

That smell so pervasive and unpleasant is the animal’s defense system. Appears when the possum feels threatened, scared or trapped. When he thinks he’s in danger, he jets through his anal glands.

The great pressure with which the liquid is expelled allows it to reach more than four meters away. In this way, they defend themselves against predators and humans who want to harm them.

With this defense system, you can fend off large and powerful animals such as bears. This ability to spray over long distances, along with the speed of escape and its ability to hide, keep you safe when the environment is hostile.

How to eliminate skunk odor?

A person who has received a “bath” from the possum in their clothes, their backpack or in the car will stink of rot. The stench will also circulate if the possum has impregnated the pet in the house.

It’s not easy to eliminate that smell  that seems to settle in the nose and nothing can make it go away. It can stay on clothes, rugs and even skin, and stay there for months, so you need to act quickly.


  • A very common suggestion is to wash the affected item with tomato juice. It is a transitory solution, as it only masks the smell, which reappears.
  • Exposure to air and sun  softens the intensity of the smell. Ultraviolet rays help to neutralize it.
  • Another good strategy is to  wash the soaked area with mild soap and water, then sprinkle  water-diluted vinegar (one part vinegar in five parts water).
  • Baking soda mixed with hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap  is an excellent solution. This mixture can be used on objects and on the skin of people and animals.

It is likely that you will need to repeat the procedure more than once. It’s also convenient to switch methods; ventilating the rooms also helps to eliminate the smell.

Myths about the substance that the opossum releases

It’s not as serious as it sounds: the smell is just that, bad smell. There are those who believe that possums are spread across the world pulverizing everyone who crosses their path, but that’s not the reality.

The ability to emit the odorous substance is limited; possums only have enough to spray about five times. Once your reservation is sold out, it will take up to six days to retrieve it.

If the liquid gets into your eyes, just rinse them with plenty of water. The irritation may last for a while, but the  myth that the skunk can cause blindness is not real.

There are even warnings about the possum’s liquid weapon:  when you see the possum’s tail rising, it’s best to back off.

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