What Are Toxic Dog Foods

What are toxic dog foods

Toxic dog food

There are a number of toxic dog foods that can seriously compromise your pet’s health. As responsible owners, it is our duty to know these foods and avoid them at all costs:

  • Chocolate
  • Onion and garlic
  • Alcohol
  • bones
  • Sugar, sweets and chewing gum
  • Citrus fruits with pits
  • Milk

The chocolate

Perhaps the best known of all toxic dog foods is chocolate. This candy so valued by humans contains theobromine, which can be extremely toxic to our dog. Mainly for small dogs.

Chocolate: one of the toxic food for dogs

Onion and garlic

Onions and garlic are often present in most of our dishes, which is why many veterinarians advise not to give leftovers to our pets. These foods, very similar to each other, are dangerous because they  can lead to anemia and other respiratory problems.


Alcohol is a harmful drug even for human beings. Its effects on the organs of our furry companions can have fatal consequences,  so giving alcohol to our dogs is irresponsible.

The bones

Despite the image we all have in our minds of a dog chewing a bone, this is very harmful to him. There are great  risks of suffocation, indigestion and organ perforation, especially if they are bird bones, as these break up like needles.

If you want to reward your dog with a bone, go to a pet store and ask about bone shaped dog treats, there are a wide variety of them and these are designed especially for dogs.

Toxic dog food

Sugar, candy and chewing gum

We must prevent our dog from eating sugar, especially when it is present in processed sweets.  Feeding a dog sugar is a mistake that can lead to serious problems such as diabetes and blindness. In the case of chewing gum, the risks are even greater due to the xylitol content.

Citrus and other stone fruits

Citrus foods in general are harmful to dogs.  Oranges and lemons are especially bad as they contain psoralen. In fact, dogs generally avoid approaching these fruits due to their acidity.

With regard to fruit with stones, we must be especially careful with peaches and apricots, since, in  addition to the risk of suffocation, the pits of these fruits contain cyanide.


Only humans have the ability to digest lactose after adulthood. The enzyme that allows us to digest milk is not present in the body of dogs, which is why we should avoid giving dairy products to our pets.

The list can be endless, so the best thing we can do as responsible pet owners is to consult our veterinarian about the most suitable food for our pet. You have to only give foods that are specially designed for them. 

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