Beast Bite: What To Do?

Bumblebees are essential insects for our ecosystem and economy. Although they are not aggressive, the sting of the carrion requires action, and the care received will depend on whether the person is allergic or not.
Beast sting: what to do?

The bumblebee is a pollinating insect of great economic and ecological importance. Although it is very similar to the bee, you will recognize it because it is much larger (15 to 25 millimeters), has body hair and is tinged with yellow, orange, black and white. Pay attention and be careful with the sting of bumblebee.

The hair on the abdomen creates a typical banding pattern. Other features are the rounded tip of the abdomen and the loud buzz they emit. It’s that vibrant buzz that makes collecting pollen easy.

In Spain, 37 species of mamangaba belonging to the genus  Bombus were catalogued. The most common is the Bombus terrestris species , which nests on the ground. In the Canary Islands, Bombus canariensis is abundant, being completely black with a white abdomen.

Recently, groups of environmental experts in Spain detected the decline of nine species and two subspecies of bees. Since the carpenters are important flower pollinators, they are considered beneficial, and their conservation is fundamental in economic terms.

Are the bumblebees aggressive?

In general, carpenters are not very aggressive. They bite to defend themselves and their nests. Unlike bees, which sting only once and lose the stinger, bees retain it and are able to sting several times.

Like bees, only workers and queens have a sting. For this reason, a brunet bite is often an incredibly rare phenomenon.

Are the bumblebees aggressive?

Consequences of the sting of a brunet

Bumblebees inject venom through the stinger. In people, the most frequent reaction is short-term pain. However, consequences can also include an allergic reaction to the injected poison.

In general, the reaction depends on the number of times someone is bitten and the victim’s allergic sensitivity to the poison. The following reactions may occur:

  • Non-allergic, localized reaction. Swelling, itching and redness occur at the sting site. It usually only lasts a few hours or a few days. It may appear immediately after the bite, but it usually appears a few hours later.
  • Allergic reaction, generalized. Depending on whether there has been one or more stings, a general allergic reaction may be triggered. In this case, the whole body is affected and, if it gets to the point of an anaphylactic reaction, it can be fatal.

Consequences of the sting of a brunet

How to act to avoid stings of broomstick?

One of the best ways to avoid a carrion sting is to stay away from their nest or from the flowers and other plants they visit. Sometimes you may not notice that you are near a nest of brunets. So if you think you’re near a nest, follow some general tips on what to do and what not to do:

  • If a cologne is disturbed,  you should slowly back away with both hands covering your face. Keep calm and remember that brunets are not very aggressive. Do not move your arms, do not push insects away and be careful not to accidentally bump into the nest. Move slowly and carefully when withdrawing from the location they are protecting.
  • If the tusks bite you, remove them from the body, don’t squeeze them and quickly run away from the area. If possible, cover and protect your head.
  • You should remember that carpenters can respond aggressively to a large number of odors, including alcohol, sweat, perfume, etc. Likewise, the rusty material smell of metal accessories such as rings and watches attracts them, and they can sting through clothing. Another stimulus that attracts the ferns is the light blue color.

How to act to avoid it?

Treatment for the non-allergic reaction to the sting of a bramble sting

Bitch stings usually do not require medical treatment. It is recommended to take an anti-inflammatory after the bite. Applying cold compresses and itch products to the sting area provides relief.

If the bite occurred in the mouth or pharynx area, it is worth going to the emergency room, just in case, as the airway can be blocked.

Treatment for an allergic reaction

If the bite causes an allergic reaction, it requires medical attention. For this reason, it is recommended to go to a hospital for observation, as the reaction may worsen over time.

Medical treatment includes the administration of antihistamines in case of minor manifestations. Corticosteroids are sometimes prescribed, but  in the case of severe manifestations of an allergic reaction, adrenaline should be given first.

Bumblebees are essential to our ecosystem and without these wonderful insects, we would not be able to survive. A good strategy to avoid a bumblebee sting is to wear a bee veil and a hat. This recommendation is especially useful in summer and fall when performing outdoor tasks.

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