Argentine Dogo, A Peculiar Breed

Argentine Dogo, a peculiar breed

When we talk about an Argentine Dogo we think of an animal of enormous size. This breed has a very hunting personality, is able to participate in hunting of large species, such as wild boar and even tigers. Its breed comes from mastiffs and fighting dogs, so it is an animal prepared for hunting.

As its name indicates, this dog had its origins in Argentina. It is said that it was the year 1920 when the Nores Martinez brothers crossed breeds to get a dog of large size, serene and non-aggressive.

Among the breeds that were crossed to get the final “product” were the terrible Cordoba fighting dog, the Pointer to enhance the sense of smell, the Boxer to add temperance, the Danish Dog to achieve a great size, the Mastiff, the Bull Terrier, the Woolhound, etc.

Origin, race and characteristics

Argentine Dogo

The breed obtained was subjected to different tests, within hunting, such as help and surveillance dogs, on sledges, etc.

Although we usually see them with small ears, they show themselves in both ways, with cropped ears and also in their natural form. The appearance of your face changes a lot when your ears are cut and when they are not. With them cut, they look like fighting dogs, and if they are kept natural they look more like hunting dogs.

The Argentine dogo is a magnificent guardian, with absolute fidelity to its owner, as well as being a good friend to the children. Their span requires them to exercise regularly to maintain their shape. In relation to their fur, it does not need special care, as they are not long-haired animals. It will be enough to brush it normally.

the purity of your race

Among the data allowed by federations to maintain the purity of the breed is the dark spot on the face, provided it does not exceed 10% of the head and is the only spot on it. If there is more than one, this may be a reason for disqualification. Among the color preferences, we try to make the dog as white as possible.

The edges of the eyes of the Argentine dogo should be pink or black. Its legs are very muscular and have a short hock without spurs. The tail is thick and long and he tends to keep it low.

The fur is white and thick, and it does not have an inner layer. He may have a spot on his head, which is known as “pirate”, although this is not allowed in all clubs.

Eyes should be a uniform brown hue. Very light eyes are often penalized when determining the pure traits of the breed. The nose will be black in adults.

As we said before, the Argentine Dogo is a robust animal, large in size, with a compact and resistant structure, with a strong jaw. The ideal weight of an adult male should be between 40 and 45 kilos in the case of males, and 40 and 43 kilos in the case of females.

The Dogo Argentino, a very sociable dog

Argentine Dogo is sociable

In the analysis of their sociability, they are animals bred to interact with other dogs, which predisposes them to work well as a team. They are good for socializing with other domestic animals, both in rural and urban surroundings, from a farm, to simple nature, urban houses or apartments.

Even though they are dogs with very fierce ancestors, which were crossed with others until forming this breed, it is not common for humans to be at risk of suffering an attack. In any case, their large size and strong personality require them to be consistently trained.

It is necessary to be very patient with them and socialize them from day one, educating them in the habit of not attacking other dogs and living in harmony with other domestic animals.

Legal control measures

In the legal aspect, the regulations to comply with these animals usually vary depending on the country where they are. The variety of norms and rules is great. Some countries do not offer any obstacles to having an Argentine Dogo, while in others it is necessary to have a special license, and there are even countries in which it is prohibited to have this animal.

The most common measures, because of its large size, are identification through microchips or tattoos, the obligation to wear a muzzle if you are going to walk with it through parks, or any public place, and even castration.

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