A Curious Pet: The Lizard

A curious pet: the lizard

A growing number of people choose the lizard as their pet. It may seem strange at first, but reptiles bred as pets are gaining in popularity even on social media.

In fact, the ending “lizard” names a wide range of reptiles that share similarities in appearance and lifestyle. The specimen that is most easily found in pet shops is the iguana.

Iguanas have become very popular as pets mainly in countries in America and Asia. However, they are generally not the best option for beginners. These animals can measure up to 1.80 m and become aggressive in adulthood.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Choosing the Lizard as a Pet

Dogs and cats occupy the first places in the ranking of most loved animals. However, the options for those looking for the faithful companion of a domestic animal do not have to be limited to cats and dogs. There are many more exotic animals that are able to fill your home with joy.

Therefore, these are the advantages and disadvantages of choosing the lizard as a pet:

  1. Excellent space-time relationship

The lizard requires much less space than cats and dogs. If they have a cage of a good size and properly heated, they can live healthily without needing more space.

As they are generally independent, they require little time from their owners. But you must be careful not to abandon the animal, especially if they are given to children.

  1. quiet character

Of course, lizards are not affectionate in the same way as dogs, and they are generally even more independent than cats. They are animals that need to have their freedom respected to be healthy.

However, they have a very calm character and are not aggressive unless they feel threatened. They can live peacefully with children and other animals. They are also very silent and will never generate conflicts with the neighborhood.

  1. clean and hairless

These animals are very hygienic and, like all reptiles, have no hair. And that represents a double advantage. For one thing, it’s much easier to keep your home and cage clean. Also, they are responsible for cleaning your body.

On the other hand, they are ideal animals for those who have any type of skin and/or respiratory allergy.

  1. Natural insect control

The lizard is a good insect hunter. Your tongue has a specific morphology to catch these small animals. This means that your reptile pet will be a great ally in natural insect control. This will help prevent the use of industrial pesticides and possible illness.

green lizard on wood

  1. Species and Character Diversity

Iguanas were the most widely domesticated lizard in the world. However, there are many species of lizards that can adapt to a home.

The best options for those who have little space and/or are new to reptile breeding are:

  • Leopard Geckos: These little animals make an excellent reptile first pet choice. They are easy to handle, thanks to their moderate size, and their diet is mainly based on insects, making them easy to feed. They need little space and easily adapt to cages and/or terrariums.
  • Pogonas (bearded dragons): are not so small, but have a quiet character and adapt to artificial environments with ease. Your diet is based on fruits, vegetables and insects, making it even easier to feed them correctly.

Some disadvantages

Most of the disadvantages lie in the need for the correct acclimatization of the environment for healthy lizard growth. When removing a wild animal from its natural habitat, you need to pay close attention. Furthermore, it requires economic expenses to reproduce the optimal conditions for the development of each species.

Most species come from warm regions, some even originating in the desert. And they usually need high temperatures and constant sunlight. Therefore, having them as a pet in cold areas requires a lot of care with the acclimatization of the environment.

Another disadvantage refers to the difficulty of finding veterinarians specializing in reptiles. It is very unlikely that an expert on common pets can properly preserve your lizard’s health.

It is also necessary to take into account that lizards are not animals that interact a lot or want affection. They like to have their solitude respected and are generally very calm. Therefore, they may get upset with people who are hyperactive or who need more physical contact with their pet.

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