Tips For Taking Care Of Your Goldfinch

Tips for taking care of your Goldfinch

The Goldfinch, whose scientific name is  Carduelis carduelisis a cheerful bird that brings smiles to  any home. Mainly for its bright colors and its pleasant singing, although it also has a nervous temperament and sensitive personality. Because of his way of being and his physical complexity, he needs special care. So, take note of these tips for caring for your Goldfinch, they are great.

It is necessary to know in detail how to care for your bird  to have a healthy and happy pet.

Goldfinch’s home

Goldfinches need to fly, and space is needed for that. A minimum acceptable measurement for cage height is 50 centimeters. This cage must include perches that allow it to land after a flight. That way, your paws and wings will be exercised. In addition, he will have the all-important sense of freedom he needs to feel at ease.

The cage should be located in a ventilated place, but not in direct sunlight. The place must be protected from drafts and hot vapors, so it is recommended to avoid the kitchen and bathroom.

Goldfinch’s cage must be out of  reach of animals, such as rats and other rodents,  that could threaten its life. Also avoid contact with wild birds, they will not harm Goldfinch, but they can transmit diseases and parasites.

Proper food to take care of your Goldfinch

Goldfinches are granivores. Nature designed its beak and digestive tract to consume seeds. These seeds must be combined. A peculiarity of Goldfinch’s diet is that it must be varied to meet all nutritional needs.

Goldfinch feeding depends on the bird’s life stage. Also the environmental conditions that are present and the period of the year.

Some seeds that Goldfinches can consume are : birdseed, poppy, oats, hemp, rapeseed, flaxseed, sesame and perilla. They can also consume fruits such as apricots, plums, figs, strawberries, apples, oranges, pears, bananas and watermelon, among others.

Goldfinch eating

Fruits and vegetables to feed your Goldfinch

It can also benefit from vegetables  like tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, spinach and cucumbers.

You should make sure all fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed before giving them to Goldfinch. It is also important to check that they have not been in contact with pesticides or insecticides that could affect the bird’s health. To eliminate these residues, leave the fruits and vegetables in water with baking soda for two hours and then wash them again.

Fresh food should be changed several times a day. This way, we prevent Goldfinch from consuming them in a state of decomposition.

At certain stages of its life, such as the moulting season, Goldfinch may need a vitamin supplement. This supplement must be rich in protein, so that it contributes to the regeneration of your feathers. In this case, wheat germ, soy or yeast can be incorporated into your diet.

There are other recommendations according to temperature. If Goldfinch is located in a cold environment, it is recommended to increase its caloric intake with oil seeds, such as sunflower or linseed.

Hygiene habits

Among the tips for taking care of your Goldfinch, those related to hygiene stand out. It’s about reducing the risk that he will contract diseases  and infections that are harmful to his health. Some steps to follow are:

  • Remove droppings from the cage daily.
  • Change the water or use a device that preserves its quality for a longer period of time.
  • Blow out the food container daily to eliminate the remains of empty seeds.
  • Prevent the bird’s food from falling to the floor of the cage to prevent it from coming into contact with droppings.
  • Thoroughly clean the cage and its perches once a week.

As a hygiene measure specifically for Goldfinch, it  is necessary to deworm it as many times a year as the veterinarian recommends. It is also important to choose the correct type of deworming for your age, size and physical condition. In pet stores there are powder, spray and ointment options.

Take care of room temperature

This is perhaps one of the most difficult tips for caring for your Goldfinch to follow. Breeders cannot control the arrival of the seasons. However, they should do their best to control the ambient temperature within their means. The sudden changes in temperature affect the Goldfinch’s immune system, facilitating the onset of diseases. Specifically, high temperatures can affect these animals.

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