7 Things You Should Know Before Installing A Chicken Coop In Your Garden

If you plan to install a chicken coop in your garden, you need to know several things to be as prepared as possible. Do you know the legislation on the subject?
7 Things You Should Know Before Installing A Garden Chicken Coop

If you plan to install a chicken coop in your garden, you need to know a few things before doing so. Acquiring and keeping chickens is not an easy task, and you must be prepared for the costs and care that the birds and your facility will require.

In this article, we’ll make your job easier by putting together the things you should know before installing a chicken coop in your garden.

1. Check the legislation in your region

You need to find out about the minimum standards for the protection of laying hens in your city and country. Discover the species, the requirements for the chicken coop and the conditions in which these animals must be kept.

chicken hatching its eggs

Possession of poultry in an environment that does not comply with legal requirements may result in a penalty. In the case of roosters, the law may be different.

2. Make sure you have enough space to install the chicken coop in the garden

Before installing a chicken coop in your garden, it is necessary to measure the available space. There are many types of chicken coops : with just one structure or with several, square, rectangular, round… They are sold prefabricated or you can build them yourself.

Install a chicken coop in the garden

It is advisable that you set aside a space with the measurements you can have. You also need to measure a space where the hens can roam outdoors, which is very important for their physical and mental health.

3. Take into account the climate of your region

If the hen house is outdoors, keep in mind that it must withstand the weather. Rain, wind, heat, humidity and cold can affect the chicken house.

a chicken coop in the garden

If the climate in your region is very cold, the interior of the chicken coop should be warm. If, on the other hand, it’s hot all year round, you’ll need to find a shady area for your chickens.

4. Make a budget with materials for the chicken coop

If the chicken coop is prefabricated, you will only need to install it in your garden. On the other hand, if you are going to build your own chicken house, make a budget with the necessary materials; the cost may change depending on the type of structure.

You can compare the two options and choose the one that best suits your profile.

Chicken breeding

These are some of the most common materials for building a chicken house:

  • Structure made of a very weather resistant material: galvanized steel sheets and PVC or treated wood. The roof had better be waterproof.
  • Screen for chicken coop. To surround an outdoor perimeter.
  • Perches. At a height where hens can easily climb.
  • Nests. Made of a comfortable material that keeps warm and is disposable. For example, straw or pine leaves.
  • Boxes for the nests.
  • Disposable substrate for the floor. It is better to put in a substrate that can be discarded, such as pressed wood chips.
  • Feeding and drinking troughs.

5. Design the chicken house from the inside

Once the structure has been chosen, you must design the chicken coop from the inside. Inside, the chickens go to sleep and lay eggs. Thus, it should be a place where they feel safe and comfortable, with a good temperature and with enough space.

The area for the nests must be at least 30 cm² for every four hens. The floor of the chicken house should be raised a little to avoid dampness.

Um galinheiro no jardim

6. Learn about the different breeds of chicken

Before installing a chicken coop in your garden, think about what type of chicken you want to buy. There are different breeds of chicken, of different sizes, plumage, personalities… You can buy native or exotic chickens, laying hens, rednecks, crosses between breeds…

Also, buying the chickens will be a major cost that you will have to add to your initial budget.

free chickens

7. Calculate monthly costs

The expenses don’t end when you install a chicken coop in your garden: the chickens need food and clean water daily. The chicken house will require cleaning and maintenance to keep the materials in good condition.

In addition, chickens may need periodic veterinary visits to check their health status.

Veterinarian examining chick

Last but not least, the costs will not only be financial, but also time. Any animal needs us to spend time daily.

So, every day, check how well your chickens are, if they are eating well, if they are laying eggs, if they are fighting each other, how is their state of health, etc.

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