Protective Dog For Abused Women

Protective dog for abused women

Among women who are victims of gender violence, there is already the figure of the specially trained protective dog. In this way, the animal will face anyone to defend it, and its effectiveness in these types of situations is very well tested.

Protective Dog Schools and Breeds

canine training center

There are schools that offer special training in protective dogs for certain furry ones, designed to care for women victims of gender violence.

Not all dog breeds serve to provide good protection as a defense dog. Generally, the German and Belgian shepherds shepherds are the most suitable.

The future protective dog receives intense obedience and defense training. When he is prepared, he becomes his owner’s best protector, who also receives special training to learn to control the situation and the instincts of his new partner.

It is important that the owner is also prepared to control and assume the animal’s reactions.

The acting of the protective dog

When the woman and the dog are ready, the animal will go out into the street with what is called an impact muzzle, covered with steel. If its owner suffers an attack, the dog will balance on the aggressor and give him a strong blow, which will immobilize him long enough for the woman to call for help or run away.

The key to these actions is the dogs’ defense instinct. They are trained to identify possible aggression and act to paralyze the aggressor.

The objective is to dissuade the aggressor and, in case of attack, to serve as a shield. The battered women have a GPS so the police can locate them. Of course, in these situations, time is a very important factor. Every second counts.

Guard dog regulation

The protective dog is at the woman’s side 24 hours a day, he always accompanies her. In many cases, they are an important element in a woman’s testimony. However, there is a legal vacuum, as these animals are not legally recognized, such as guide dogs for the blind.

It would be convenient for society and the authorities to regulate the protective dog, so that he could enter with the woman he accompanies in any public or private place.

They are not aggressive animals

It is important to note that these are not dangerous or aggressive dogs, just the opposite. They are very sociable dogs, they are adopted when they are puppies, so that they can socialize. They are affectionate and also want caresses.

These dogs are not aggressive, they will not kill, on the contrary, they are specifically prepared to avoid this, to respond to an unpleasant situation in the best possible way. It is a long and conscientious job for both the woman and the animal.

The protection program

woman kissing a dog

Photo: Sal

When applying for the program, the foundation’s psychologists, specialized in gender violence, value each case and its danger. Afterwards, an ethologist visits the applicant’s home to check the environment where the animal will live.

If the requirements are met, the woman starts the training program, which begins with a 20-hour course, the same that, by law, security guards must undertake, and which is given in a center authorized by the General Directorate of Police .

Then choose the protective dog that best suits each woman, with which they can build a bond depending on their personality. The animal is offered free of charge, as is all training.

When the dog is dressed in protective gear, he becomes aware that he has to be prepared for what he has been trained.

He should also be trained to act passively, that is, without equipment, if any unexpected situation occurs, so he can also protect the woman.

Guard dogs are very sociable, balanced, live in families and have a ‘feeling of justice’. They have a sense of justice and defend it. If you punish them excessively, they will let you know. And if the punishment persists, they will end up facing the situation, that is, the aggressor.

They know that mistreatment is not fair in any case. It’s obvious, neither with them. They will defend the attacked woman, but they will also defend themselves if they feel that they are being “attacked” or heavily punished.

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