Learn To Prepare Your Dog For Summer

Hydration, hair trimming and deworming are some of the necessary precautions during the summer to ensure your pet’s well-being.
Learn to prepare your dog for the summer

Preparing your dog for the summer is essential so that he doesn’t suffer from the heat, its absence and the constant trips and outings, among other aspects associated with the sun and vacations.

That summer is the perfect season to enjoy the most, no one doubts. But for pets, this period can be uncomfortable or even stressful.

Therefore, it is essential to take the necessary steps to enjoy the company of man’s best friend at this time of year as well.

Why should you prepare your dog for summer?

As we’ve seen, some aspects of summer are special for our pet. It’s the case of the  weather, our vacation trips or the constant movement inside the house. 

All of this can be a problem for the animal, as it changes the routine it has become accustomed to throughout the year.

What are the necessary measures so that the dog or any other animal does not suffer during the summer? There are some good habits that help, such as haircuts, proper hydration and deworming.

How to prepare your dog for the summer


Without a doubt,  hydration is one of the most important aspects of your dog’s health  during the summer.

In fact, if we humans have already suffered from high temperatures, imagine dogs, considerably more sensitive to heat…

Portable drinking fountains are sold in pet shops and specialty stores. These devices allow dogs to drink water at any time, even outside the home.

Thus, they can properly hydrate themselves during the hottest season of the year.

Hair cuts and treatments

It is recommended to take the dog to the bath and groom as soon as the summer begins. In many situations the animal will need a haircut.

But it must be emphasized that not all breeds need a cut. In some cases it will be enough to remove all the dead hair accumulated during the months that preceded the summer.

cocker spaniel being groomed

Where to leave dogs during a trip?

One of the biggest problems pet owners have is finding a place to drop off their pet during summer trips. Fortunately, there is no shortage of options.

The first is to  leave the animal with someone you trust. In this case, it is essential that it be familiar to the animal, avoiding stress and anxiety.

The second option is to  leave the furry in a canine hotel. It is important to be careful with this option, as there are establishments that do not offer adequate care.

It is best to visit the site in advance. In this way, it is possible to confirm that the establishment has the necessary hygiene and space conditions for the comfort of the animals.

Traveling with pets

In some cases, travel can stress dogs. Some dogs can get seasick when riding in a car, for example.

If we decide to have our friends accompany us, it is essential to plan the trip in advance and ask the vet what precautions to take in these cases.

prepare your dog for the summer

It is also  recommended to get the dog used to driving in a car in advance  and traveling in the transport box or carrier.

It is best to start with short distances and make small trips more and more frequently. That way, when the time comes to take a longer trip, the animal will be calmer.

dog health

During the summer, the dog will go out more often and will have more contact with other animals. Therefore, it is very important to deworm it correctly and thus prevent the risk of infections.

bath and dip

It is important not to force the dog into the sea or pool. Some dog breeds love to swim, while others don’t.

If the animal is afraid, we should not force entry into the water, as this experience can negatively affect it for life. After bathing, don’t forget to properly care for the animal’s fur.

With a few small changes, it’s possible to prepare your dog for summer. Thus, the animal will be able to enjoy much more a rest season in the company of the human family.

And, of course, having fun while the owners are calm, thanks to the care taken in advance.

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