Cats Live Longer Than Dogs Because They Are More Independent

Cats live longer than dogs because they are more independent

Many people appreciate the sociability of dogs compared to cats, who have a more independent personality. However, recent studies ensure that cats live longer than dogs for precisely this reason, since the way of being independent from the felines helps them to live longer.

Why do cats live longer than dogs?


The cat is a solitary animal by nature, and on few occasions will let itself be touched or petted by anyone. They are suspicious and in the face of any fear they tend to defend themselves with very sharp claws.

It is precisely this characteristic that allows cats to live, on average, three years longer than dogs. While their canine friends live an average of 12 years, cats have a longer average life expectancy of 15 years.

Aging theory and defense mechanisms

There are many theories regarding this advantage of cats. One of them is that which focuses on the safety of animal species as a condition of their maximum age. According to her, the cats’ defense options, due to their claws and their agility, reduce both their capture and the extent of disease.

This theory called “evolutionary aging” is based on the fact that living beings live longer depending on the security conditions in which they find themselves. Even though dogs are ferocious, they don’t have the feline’s claws or their agility. If we try to catch a cat, we will see that it is much more difficult than catching a dog. Cats have more resources to defend themselves than dogs.

The diversity of race mixtures influences age

Other theories focus on the fact that the average age in the case of dogs is also conditioned by the creation of different breeds, which could lead to poorer health. While there is also a wide variety of cats, the differences between them are not so obvious. Let’s think, for example, how different a Chihuahua and a Mastiff are.

Dependence on a home and an owner

Another factor that can affect the age of cats in relation to the age of dogs is that, although felines prefer to be with their owners, they do not have much dependence on it to calm down if they are in a strange place, which they have never been to before. .

Cats react better than dogs to unfamiliar environments thanks to their nature as independent and solitary hunters.

In the case of dogs, everything changes. With a time of coexistence, dogs begin to look a lot like their owners, their preferences, habits, and even adopting attitudes and postures. If the owner is very introverted and less sociable, your pet will be increasingly jealous of your intimacy. When it comes to an extrovert, the animal will feel comfortable leaving your home and going to parks, squares, etc, full of people and other animals.

The care they receive also directly influences the lives of these animals. With a little vigilance and control, we will make sure our faithful friends stay healthy, have no accidents, and can live as many years as possible.

Dangers to the cat’s life

affection in cat

The independence of the cats we talked about, as well as their curiosity to discover new things, makes them prone to dangers of all kinds. It is very likely that when he starts to leave the house and has to cross a street, he is not aware of the danger of cars, because he has never lived with them. Dogs are more homely and don’t look to leave the house to explore.

Another danger for cats is the case of traps if the surroundings are rural, or the attack of a stray dog, or if he accidentally enters a property guarded by wild dogs.

They can also have accidents while jumping from one roof to another, or getting stuck, or eating poisonous food in the street. Let’s not forget the famous phrase “curiosity killed the cat.”

There are more inconveniences for a cat that leaves the house. Contagious diseases, for example, or fights between males over a female in heat. In these fights they can suffer very serious injuries.

In the case of females, a bitch in heat will wait at home and suffer her moment until it passes. On the other hand, a female cat will have a great need to get out of the house and find other cats.

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