The American Pit Bull Terrier. A Faithful And Tireless Friend

The American Pit Bull Terrier.  A faithful and tireless friend

Are you looking for a dog to be your pet? Do you want a loving, faithful and dependent dog? Or do you want one to protect you and defend your home? An energetic, obedient and easy-to-train dog? If you are looking for all that, the American Pit Bull Terrier is your best option and will become your best friend.

Where does the Pit Bull Terrier come from?

The Pit Bull Terrier breed originated in the United States with the arrival of British immigrants. In their search for a large guardian dog, they bred several breeds until they bred a Bulldog and a Terrier.

When the Spaniards arrived in America, they also imported Spanish Alanos, which when crossed with a mixture of Bulldog and Terrier, gave rise to the American Pit Bull Terrier.

It may also be that the crossing with the Alans occurred through the English, due to the amount of Alans that were imported from Spain before the English arrived in America.

In addition to being a guardian dog, the Pit Bull Terrier was used to fight bulls, and after the prohibition of these fights, with other dogs, such as larger breeds and hunting to touch cattle.

How is he physically?


The Pit Bull Terrier has a medium, rectangular head with a wide, flat skull. It has prominent cheekbones and no wrinkles.

Its muzzle is square and broad, with large jaws that can be scissors. The eyes are set apart and low, and the nose is broad and clear.

Their ears are set high, meaning they are on the top of the head and not on the sides. They are erect and have no pleats.

The neck is muscular, pronounced, not pleated and arched, as is the torso which is short and strong and is slightly angled towards the tail.

The tail is set low and narrows at the tip, while the legs are large, with round bones. The feet have arched toes.

Overall, it’s not a very big dog and won’t exceed 30 kilos in the case of males.

But are you sure they can live as a family?


The American Pit Bull Terrier has a reputation for being aggressive and violent, but this reputation is not deserved. In reality, it is a loving, fun and very tolerant breed with children; you will let them touch you and you will participate in their runnings.

It’s a very intelligent race, even though they tend to be stubborn. They usually put something in their minds and won’t stop until they get what they want or the opposite order is given to them.

However, it adapts well to change and is one of the few breeds that can change families and adapt as well to the second as it did to the first, feeling accepted as part of the family.

As faithful and protective dog that he is, he will give himself to his family as much as possible, although he will always keep a special place for the one he considers his best friend.

It is an animated and fun dog, very close to its human family.

What is the best environment for a Pit Bull?

As a dog originally used for fights and for handling cattle, it is restless and needs a great deal of exercise, so it should take long walks regularly and do a lot of physical activity.

His ideal family would be an adult family with children over 14, because they would have time for him. Young families or families with small children do not suit him, because they will have less time for him and he will have difficulty getting used to the children that will be born.

The more time you can devote to him, the better, not forgetting to devote energy as well, as he must exercise.

In summary, the American Pit Bull Terrier is the ideal pet to defend your home, protect your children and have a life and play partner.

In addition, he learns very fast and can be very well trained, not only educated to live in the family, which should be done from a puppy, but also trained for fights or to guard the house, which makes him an excellent guardian dog. .

He won’t defend any space or anyone who takes him by the collar; only your family and your property.

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