Learn All About The Bernese Cattle Dog Breed

Learn all about the Bernês Cattle Dog breed

The Cao Boiadeiro Bernês is not a well-known dog, some even confuse it with a São Bernardo, although their physical differences are obvious. However, the Cao Boiadeiro Bernês is a dog worth knowing. And so we’re going to look at it in full in this article.

Origin of the Bernese Cattle Dog

This breed is also known as Bernese, Bernese Mountain, Mountain Dog, Bouvier Bernois and by other names. Its origin comes from Bern (as its name indicates), capital of Switzerland.

His first job was as a herding dog for large animals and also as a home keeper. Although on occasion it has been used to pull the carts of its owners when they went out to sell milk.

Later, when they noticed the intelligence level of the Bernês Cattle Dog, he was trained and used to be a rescue dog. And lastly, the more his personality was known, he was accepted as a pet.

Characteristics of the Bernese Cattle Dog

The Cao Boiadeiro Bernês is a big and strong dog, with a great size and elegance.


Its cross measurements are 64-70 cm in the case of the male and 58-66 in the case of the female. It is a dog with a long body and medium-sized paws. Your neck is strong and muscular and your back, when straight, creates a 90-degree angle with the shape of your body.

hair and eyes

The peculiarity of the Bernês Boiadeiro Dog in terms of fur is that we will only find it in one shade : white on the belly and on the underside of the paws, black on the rest of the body, but with some areas of light brown color.

Its fur is long and not completely straight. To take care of it and keep it shiny, it’s important to brush it at least once a day.

Their eyes are dark brown and are neither bulging nor sunken, although on occasion some may have tired eyelids. This has a solution, with a light surgery.


Despite its strength and its large size, the Cao Boiadeiro Bernês is an ideal dog to be with children. It will be an excellent guardian of the house, as it has a very definite instinct to be a guard. It is a kind and friendly dog ​​to everyone, although sometimes with strangers, it can show a bit of trepidation.

It is an independent dog, but it is not less affectionate.

Special cares

Most of the dogs of the Cao Boiadeiro Bernês, when they become elderly, may suffer from hip dysplasia. To avoid this, to the greatest possible degree, it is necessary that from a very young age he has a disciplining exercise routine that will continue throughout his life.

The Bernese Cattle Dog is a very active dog that needs to move and therefore needs space. If for some reason he cannot go out daily, he will need to be in a large garden or yard so that he does not feel trapped.

So, as much as you like the Bernês Boiadeiro Dog, if you live in a small apartment, we recommend that you think of another breed to have as a pet.

Before Buying a Bernese Cattle Dog


Like all purebred dogs, it will be difficult to find one to adopt, although we always recommend that you do a little research if you find one.

But, if you’ve already decided that the Bernese Cattle Dog will be your ideal dog, be careful if you want to buy one online, and take these advices into account:

  • Make sure whoever sells it answers each and every one of your questions.
  • Research what other customers say about it.
  • Please note if the seller is recommended by other owners.
  • He must ensure that he will follow up on the dog.
  • It must give you assurances that the animal is perfectly healthy.
  • Do not accept that the dog is delivered to you before two months, as this would prevent its imprinting.
  • It must be delivered with a vaccination and deworming booklet.
  • You have to deliver with pedigree. Don’t be fooled by phrases like “with a pedigree will cost more”. It’s a lie!

If you have already decided that the Bernese Cattle Dog will be your life companion, you will have a loyal and affectionate animal willing to do anything to make you happy. Enjoy his company a lot!

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