How To Play With A Cat. What Is Your Pet’s Favorite Game Or Prank?

How to play with a cat.  What is your pet's favorite game or game?

Today we are going to talk about a subject that, although it may not seem like it at first, is very important for your cat’s development, we are talking about playing. It is a basic need for your pet that, since a puppy, must play, whether with you, other family members or alone.

In this way,  he will develop, acquiring skills, and it is even a way for him to exercise.

Although we sometimes find ourselves in a situation where we don’t have enough time to devote to our cat, we can replace it by buying toys so that when we’re not home, it can play on its own.

the need for play

The games, in addition to being fun, are very important for cats. It is estimated that they need at least 30 minutes of play a day, this way, we will avoid health problems in cats, arising from depression.

It is also a way to strengthen your body and especially your mind.

Sometimes, our cat can assume behaviors that he didn’t have before, such as nervousness, anxiety, depression and even aggression, this can be related to very simple things, such as lack of play or physical exercise, for example.

Another of the benefits that the game has for our cat is that it will prevent it from scratching your beautiful furniture, damaging your plants or even biting you to draw attention.

how to play with a cat


The most important and first thing we should know is that the game must be done to exercise the cat physically and to sharpen its agility, but never to encourage its aggressiveness, as they can cause serious accidents.

Also, don’t allow him to play with parts of your body, such as his hands, feet, head, as he might want to do that when we’re not playing and might end up hurting us.

In play, humans or other cats may be involved, but the cat may also play alone. If it’s a puppy, it will constantly play with its little brothers chasing them, riding one on top of the other or playing “hide”.

But this situation will change the moment the cat is separated from its mother and little brothers, at that moment, they will start with solitary games or with the owners.

Let’s not forget the hunting instinct that cats have, something they can’t do when domesticated, so we can help them develop that instinct through play.

You should encourage him to run, jump and even if you have a small pool where he can “fish” objects, it would be sensational.

Also, in pet stores you can find a wide variety of toys that can help stimulate your cat’s hunting instinct.

Toys   for cats


There are special toys for cats,  whose main function is to awaken their imagination, develop their natural hunting instinct and enhance their ability to concentrate. Some of these toys can be as follows:

the scratcher

The scratcher is possibly the best known object, although it is not a toy itself, our cat spends his time scratching it with his nails.

But today, the models changed a lot and they became sophisticated artifacts, where besides being able to sharpen his nails, our cat can play, going up and down stairs, has ropes hanging, etc… as if he were in an amusement park.

the stick

The stick is another of our cats’ favorite toys. Besides, we also participated in the game and had fun watching him trying to catch the feather.

The toy consists of a stick, or wooden handle, with a rope that extends from the end and from which a toy hangs. The fun is that he wants to take the toy, but we make the task difficult.

O s stuffed animals

They are more economical toys that our pet has the most fun with. On the market, there are all sizes, materials and prices. They are usually mouse-shaped, there are also some with sounds, etc.

The toy attracts the attention of our cat, who tries to chase it all over the house. So we don’t know who the fun is for – him or us.

creative toy

On the market, we can also find creative toys, which stimulate our animal’s intelligence and agility.

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