3 Tricks That Can Save Your Dog’s Life

3 Tricks That Can Save Your Dog's Life

One of the greatest virtues of dogs is their ability to understand us and know how to follow orders, which is usually very fun, as it is always funny to see how these little friends, after long days of training, manage to do the tricks they were taught to they. This training can save our dogs’ lives.

Although it may seem a lie, due to the fact that if a dog can internalize and learn an order from its owner, it will comply with it in any context and situation.

If you don’t know them yet, here are three simple tricks that can save your pet.

Teach your dog to follow you when you call him

woman training dog

This is a trick that has found different opinions among dog lovers, as there are people who see it as something affectionate and necessary, while others prefer not to teach it, due to the enormous practice and dedication it requires, at least to be able to do the trick anywhere but home.

The truth is that when you’ve perfected this trick with your little friend, this order comes in very handy, as it allows you to have him controlled without the need to wear a collar, something that’s great for both of you.

Also, this is a trick that can easily save your dog from dangerous situations. When you notice that there is something that could put his life in danger, just call him and he will come to you. For example, if there is another dog that is bigger and has a more hostile attitude.

make him be quiet

The “quiet” order is very helpful. Have you ever thought that such an easy order could be a lot of help? Don’t worry, many didn’t know and couldn’t imagine something like this, due to the fact that they are so familiar with it, it’s normal to see it as a trick that only serves to have a little fun, and nothing more.

But the truth is that when you teach your dog to be quiet at any given time, whether lying down or sitting, you can control your actions for as long as you like, a fact that can be very beneficial for your safety, such as when you find yourself in a situation that could put both your lives at risk.

For example, when you are in a square or park where there are many other people or dogs, your faithful friend can develop a state of nervousness and excitability that can make him want to escape, something very dangerous as he can suffer some kind of accident.

How can the dog always comply with this order?

This is the time to order the dog to be quiet, so that he does not do anything that could trigger an unpleasant and unnecessary situation. Teach him to lie down or sit on the spot until you tell him not to.

As your owner and best friend, it’s important that you know that when you’ve taught your friend this order well, you’ll be able to make him behave exemplary wherever you go together.

What is the key to being able to do this? Just reward him in some way when he obeys. Remember, dogs like to know that when they’ve done something right, they’ll get something in return.

Teach him to look at you when you nominate him

Border Collie lying on the beach

As in the two previous cases, this is a trick that requires some training effort, and will not only serve for minor issues with your dog, but also to protect him in danger situations.

On many occasions it may happen that you are with your small animal outdoors, and he sees a cat or any other object that catches his attention on the other side of the street. This will generate nervousness and he will do everything possible to go to him.

When this happens, the best solution is to ask him to look into your eyes, as this will decentralize his attention from what he is looking at and focus only on you.

Saving your dog’s life is not difficult

As you can see, these little tricks will be of great help and could be useful to save your dog’s life in certain dangerous situations. It is worth taking them into account.

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