A Police Station In Australia Adopts A Baby Kangaroo

A police station in Australia adopts a baby kangaroo

We always say that  animals are always surprising us, and that happens to some human beings too. In today’s case, one man’s decision positively surprised us.  This story shows once again that with  love  we are able to do anything and that animals don’t judge by color or appearance. This is the amazing story of Cuejo, a baby kangaroo.

The story of Cuejo, the baby kangaroo

In  Australia, the country where this very peculiar animal lives, there are thousands of road signs that indicate danger, and that force drivers to reduce speed because, at any moment, a kangaroo can cross their path.

This is because kangaroos are a very protected species in Australia, which is why they are not in  danger  of extinction, at least for now.

The running over of these little animals is not common on the roads, but Cuejo’s mother, the baby kangaroo, was not so lucky. 

She was  hit  by a truck and died instantly. But apparently, either Cuejo managed to get out of his bag due to the impact, or he was going after her. Regardless of how this happened, when the police arrived at the scene of the accident, Cuejo was still standing beside his mother’s corpse.

Scott Mason was one of the officers who attended the accident. He was the one who decided to take Cuejo to the police station until they knew what to do with the animal, and decided what would be the best place to take him.

The baby kangaroo finds a new home

Policeman with baby kangaroo

Image source: www.eldia.com

They didn’t have to think too hard, as it took Cuejo a few minutes to decide who their new mommy would be. And the chosen one was… sorry, and the one chosen was… Scott Mason. And after that, Cuejo,  the baby kangaroo, started using Scott’s shirts as a marsupial bag and seems to be adapting well to them. Also, apparently, the fact doesn’t seem to displease Scott.

Cuejo kept bouncing as he followed Scott through the police station,  no matter where he went, whether it was the stairs or the elevator, there was always Scott’s new “son”.

Scott asked for help on social media to name his new little friend. The name chosen was Cuejo, and according to sources close to him, it was a mixture of Cue (place where the police station is located) and Joey (we don’t really know the reason for this one).

There was no other remedy for the authorities than to allow Cuejo and Scott to be together. Cuejo looked happy and Scott, as you’ll see in the video we’ll share next, also looks very  happy.

The goal of this coexistence is not to make Cuejo become the police station’s pet, but rather, that he has a healthy life and that soon he can be free again, as soon as he is ready to leave his new home, the Cue police station.

There are some really cute pictures of this new daddy together with his baby, for example, of the baby taking the bottle or inside the uniform shirts of his new “mommy”.

Apparently, Scott feels responsible for Cuejo at all times and has never complained about the responsibilities involved in caring for a pet like this. On the contrary, both in the video and in the images he always appears smiling, implying that he is doing this function with great happiness, and not with sadness.

We are very happy that there are still wonderful people in this world like Scott Mason, who take responsibility for the lives of other living beings who also deserve to be happy. How wonderful it would be if there were more people like him on this planet!

Cuejo’s attitude towards Scott also teaches us one thing: that animals are not born in fear of humans, this fear grows from the moment they realize that we want to hurt them. Love makes everything possible, love never fails. This story is one more example that if we exchanged the engine of the world, money, for love, everything would be very different, not only between people, but also between people and animals.

Following is the video. Have a good time!

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