Advice For Resolving Pet Fights

Advice for resolving pet fights

Domestic animals, especially those we use as companion animals, tend to be very territorial and protective. It is very common that many, who are usually calm, react aggressively to the presence of another animal, so we give you some advice for resolving the disputes of domestic animals.

Usually, the domestic animals that fall the most in this type of situation are dogs and cats (either among themselves or among their congeners). However, this is not their exclusive behavior.

Some birds such as laurels or cockatoos, rodents, pet pigs, among others; they can react with aggression, although it is less frequent and the damage in a confrontation is rarely severe.

The reasons for this are rooted in the instinct of animals, because in wildlife, other creatures are potential threats that need to be reduced or expelled, either because they compete for food, territory or because someone can belong to another’s diet. This risk is greatly increased in animals that have not been socialized.

The injuries caused in a fight between larger mammals, such as the fight between dogs and cats, deserve attention, both for the animals involved and for those trying to separate them.

Let’s look at some strategies you can use once the fight has started.

General recommendations for dogs and cats

Estratégias para separar uma briga entre animais

Many of the fights between dogs and cats are because their owners allow them to be out on the street, either because the cat leaves the house, the dog walks without a leash, or because they are left in an unattended space.

It is not advisable to step in the middle of a fight while it is going on, as animals rarely distinguish who they bite or scratch in the heat of the moment.

We usually know the body language of our animals, so when we see them start to tense in the presence of another animal, we suggest two options: if your pet is small, simply pick it up and take it away immediately; in case it is a big or heavy dog, shout “no!” and immediately remove it from its place, helping with the collar.

They understand our tones of voice, and if you use this order often, you can hopefully avoid confrontations.

In case the fight has already started, throw something on top of your animal, it can be a jacket or a shirt, and lift it by the skin near the neck, moving it as far away from the other animal as possible.

If the other owner is nearby, tell him to do the same thing. The object will prevent them from getting hurt.

If you have a container with water or a hose handy, water them and take advantage of the distraction to take your animal away. In case they don’t stop, the fights tend to be short-lived, but they can be fatal, use the strategy we suggested in the previous paragraph.

Presentation and socialization

One way to prevent pets from fighting is to get them used from the moment they finish their vaccination schedule, to share spaces with other animals.

Dogs and cats are not always hostile, but it should be borne in mind that excess energy can be an inconvenience during the performance, so before introducing you to an unknown animal, it is better to be tired. and quiet.

It is recommended that dogs and cats be introduced outside the home, as they tend to be more dominant within their territory. However, this has an inconvenience, and that is that we cannot take another animal home.

how to avoid fights

Como evitar a briga
  • Make sure your dog only goes out for a walk wearing a leash.
  • Don’t leave animals that have just met unattended.
  • Dogs must assume a posture of submission within the household hierarchy.
  • When living under the same roof, give your space to each animal so they won’t fight each other.
  • Introduce your animals correctly, allowing time for them to get to know each other, sniff each other, or move away if they wish.
  • Don’t let your pet get close to another unless you know he’s not aggressive.
  • Stay alert while you are out with your little friend, there are animals that attack without warning.

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