Advice For Taking Your Pet To The Vet

Advice for taking your pet to the veterinarian

Taking your friend to the vet can be a time of great anguish for both your animal friend and you. That’s why, whether it’s a dog or a cat, we present a series of tips for taking your pet to the animal doctor.

Nobody said it’s not boring, but it ‘s necessary for your dog or cat to go to the doctor, especially when they’re sick. In the article below, we will give some advice so that taking your pet to the vet is something easy.

Why take your pet to the vet?

This question may be obvious to some, but it’s always good to remember the reasons why taking your pet to the vet is a good idea. Sometimes, lack of time or money and the popular belief that “it cures itself” can lead to serious or difficult-to-cure illnesses. So why consult this professional?

Dog and cat at the vet

  1. If your pet is sick, you can get sick

There are different diseases that dogs and cats can pass on to people, so if you don’t want them to get sick, you should take your pet to the vet. Some animal parasites, viruses and bacteria affect humans.

  1. When untreated, the animal suffers

Your partner may not show it with words, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t hurting. Animals are living beings that don’t deserve to go through any difficulties, and if it’s up to us to avoid these pains… Why not?

  1. It will improve your quality of life

It is not a question of “going on a whim” to the veterinarian, but rather of respecting the annual controls and complying with the vaccination schedule, to avoid diseases or problems that are of considerable seriousness.

  1. you can’t medicate him

The only professional qualified to give a diagnosis and treatment is the veterinarian, so it is essential to take him to the appointment. As incredible as it sounds, some owners make the mistake of giving animals medicine for humans, and that can be even worse.

Tips for taking your cat to the vet

They say “cats are from home” because they don’t like to go out, unless it’s for their own means and interests. Therefore, taking them to the vet can be a great stress for the animal, especially when we do not know how to act.

cat veterinarian

The first thing we need is a shipping box, which can be bought at pet stores, and where we will put it maybe with some “trick”, like putting food or a toy inside. We recommend that you do not force him on, as this can hurt him and increase his nervousness.

A good way to get your cat used to the box is to make it available at all times at home, for example, next to your play area. Thus, she will not be unknown to him, because she will have left her pheromones and aroma in the box .

If we take the cat to the vet in the car, we must close the windows to reduce the noise, and the box must have a seat belt to avoid accidents. When you return home from the appointment, you should leave him in the box for a few moments until he realizes he is home again and then open the door.

How to take the dog to the vet

If your dog is afraid of going to the doctor, which is quite common, pay attention to the following advice to take your pet to the veterinarian:

  • Get him used to traveling in the car, so he won’t always link them to the same destination.
  • Reward him with a candy or a toy when he behaves well.
  • Get in the habit of taking care of your well-being through toys and pampering.
  • Keep your cool too, as pets absorb their owners’ anguish and anxiety.
  • Call the vet to come to your home in extreme cases.
  • Always stay by his side so he doesn’t think you want to abandon him.
  • Increase the number of routine visits to the vet to avoid relating them to pain.
  • Take a safe and comfortable trip on your way to your appointment.
  • Don’t fight with him if he needs it at the clinic: he can do it because he’s scared.
  • Only put on the muzzle if it is very aggressive and could be a threat to people and animals.
  • Look for a trusted veterinarian and always take him there so that he is not treated by someone you don’t know.

Main image source: mmmWolf

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