Did You Know That We Can Also Transmit Diseases To Our Animals?

Did you know that we can also transmit diseases to our animals?

We always hear that animals can transmit diseases to us. But little is said about the fact that there are diseases that we can transmit to our animals. Possibly, being an unknown topic, this sounds a little strange, but the fact that we can contaminate them is as real as that they can do the same to us.

This strange process that was recently known is called anthropozoonosis. Find out below which diseases we can transmit to our pets.

Diseases we can transmit to our pets


Our pets suffer from diabetes, arthritis, allergies, intestinal problems, constipation and more. This is because we live in a polluted and stress-filled world. Of course, our pets are also very sensitive to such affections.

For example, stress causes us to sleep less and become more nervous. Dogs, which are the animals that are closest to us, are contaminated by our attitudes. They can be more violent and even more dangerous than before. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to take them for walks with enough time for them to run and release energy.

Also, when we are in the habit of giving our food to pets, we must remember that they contain certain chemicals and other substances. The pet’s body is not used to these substances and this can cause stomach upset or even affect some of their organs.

Among the diseases we can transmit to our pets are:

  • Tuberculosis
  • The flu
  • taeniasis

How to know if our pet has become contaminated?

One of the best ways to know if our pet has become infected with any of our diseases is, without a doubt, to observe its behavior. Any change in the way you walk, look, or behave can mean that something is wrong with your body.

For example, if our pet is especially interested in eating grass or other herbs, or does not show an appetite for its usual food. In this case, it is best to take him to the vet without delay. Waiting thinking that it is something unimportant and that it will pass could cost your pet’s life.

Prevention with pets

However, our pets can also transmit diseases to us, so it is recommended to follow some suggestions on different forms of prevention, to avoid both.

dog food

  • Stay healthy. Have a medical check-up, both you and your family, and make sure that everyone is fine and will not transmit anything to the animal.
  • Keep the environment healthy. For neither one nor the other to transmit disease, it is very important to keep the environment in which everyone lives healthy. Keep the house clean, ventilated and free from dust. Wash your pet’s bedding and blankets at least once every fortnight and do the same with areas where it usually stays.
  • Only provide food specially made for him.
  • Use chemical-free products. As we said before, animals are very sensitive, so using cleaning products without chemicals or with the least amount possible will help your pet, you and your family to stay healthy.
  • Exercise. This is one of the best preventative measures for everyone, family and pet. Exercise is good for preventing illness and staying physically and mentally healthy.
  • Affection. Love, affection and patience among everyone who lives in the home, including pets, is a way to stay healthy mentally and emotionally. You already know what they say: Mens sana in corpore sano.

That a pet can transmit something to us, or we to it, should not be an impediment to adopting. Always remember not to buy in stores, but to adopt any animal that you need, but always making sure to do it in authorized places that offer guarantees that the animal is healthy.

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