Discover Snake Island

Snake Island is a laboratory of nature, where the adaptation between killing and dying is palpable. This place contains an incredibly interesting evolutionary experiment.
Discover the island of snakes

An unusual island is located off the Brazilian coast, just 33 kilometers from São Paulo. It is the island of Queimada Grande, also known as the island of snakes.

This island, which is about 42 hectares in size and is not inhabited by humans, for a very good reason. Researchers estimate that one snake lives on the island of Queimada Grande per square meter  of territory.

The Deadly Tenant of Snake Island

Among the snakes from Queimada Grande is an endemic species, Bothrops insularis . This species lives exclusively on this island, has a golden color and is known as jararaca-ilhoa.

It is considered that the insularis Bothrops is one of the most poisonous snake species in the world. Its venom can be five times more potent than that of any other snake. In Brazil, according to the register of deaths from snake bites, 90% of deaths are due to the venom of reptiles of this family, similar to Bothrops insularis .

The poison acts quickly. The bite of these snakes can kill an adult in less than an hour. This venom has components that induce skin necrosis around the bite, cause kidney failure, cerebral hemorrhage and intestinal bleeding.

A 2014 study determined that the population of this particular species ranges between 2000 and 4000 specimens, which are concentrated in the part of the island that has semi-arboreal tropical forest.

The Deadly Tenant of Snake Island

Where do these snakes come from?

More than 11 000 years ago the islet territory was connected to the mainland. At that time, the sea level rose, forming the island, and the resident snakes were trapped there.

Suddenly, the source of food became scarce and they became dependent on birds. Because of their flying prey, these snakes evolved and developed powerful, fast-acting toxins to kill their prey.

The local birds, aware of the existing danger, avoid visiting the island. Snakes hunt and eat the largest migratory birds that, unprepared, arrive on the island in search of rest. The fact that there are no predators in this habitat may have contributed to the increase in the snake population.

No access to snake island

The island has no human residents, apart from the occasional visit of a few teams of scientists. Snakes are so dangerous that the Brazilian government has expressly prohibited anyone from entering the island. This regulation aims to protect the integrity of people and snakes.

rescue snakes

Ironically, the dreaded Isling Jararacas also play a crucial role in saving human lives. First, obtaining its poison is done to produce an antidote. However, this snake’s venom has also been used in the development of life-saving medicines and may contribute to the development of new medicines in the future.

Cobras do salvadoras

As scientists at the Instituto Brasileiro Butantan report, its venom may contain components useful for the treatment of all types of human diseases. So far, experts at this institute have shown components with the potential to contribute to the treatment of blood clots, circulation problems and heart disease.

There is a blood pressure medication – captopril – which was developed 40 years ago from the venom of these snakes. This medication is incredibly popular and is still widely used today.

How to find the jararaca-ilhoa

Since this fearsome species cannot be visited in its natural habitat, it is possible to find it in mainland Brazil in captivity. For this, the visitor has three options: the jararacas-ilhoa can be seen legally at the Serpentarium of the Instituto Butantan, in São Paulo. Alternatively, you can go to the São Paulo zoo. In the snake house, you will find an enclosure that houses five adult specimens of the jararaca-ilhoa.

Finally, your last option is to go to the municipal zoo in Quinzinho de Barros, in the city of Sorocaba, state of São Paulo. There you can see these special snakes living quietly in the reptile house.

Although Snake Island is far from the idyllic Caribbean island for humans, we must remember that it is not a snake paradise either . Since the island was formed, the resident reptiles have fought for food, and their strategy of developing a super-powerful poison is an effort to adapt.

This snake’s struggle has been a long one, and to this day its species is critically endangered.

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