Discriminated For Having A Guide Dog

Discriminated for having a guide dog

Although most people are aware that the visually impaired need to be accompanied by a guide dog everywhere, unfortunately there are still situations that bother those people who have the right to do something like everyone else. Today we are going to talk about several of these cases and in which sectors it is more common to have problems with this subject, to try to sensitize people so that the visually impaired are not discriminated against for having a guide dog.

“It is my vision, my guide, my shadow, my light”

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These are textual words from Patricia Carrascal, given every time someone asks her what the bitch Brilyn means to her. Brilyn is a Golden Retriever who has been accompanying Patricia everywhere for six years. Patricia assures that he could not take a step without her, that his life has improved since the little dog entered his life and that he no longer imagines what it would be like to have to live without her help.

Although in European countries it is very common to see blind people accompanied by a guide dog, not much is said about their routine. Patricia, for example, went through an embarrassing situation and she also knows of many cases of friends who have been discriminated against for the same reason.

She went to the doctor and, when she was in the waiting room, one of those responsible for the clinic told her that she would have to take the guide dog out of there, as hospital regulations prohibited the presence of animals in its facilities. Although Patricia had tried to explain to this gentleman that she was blind and that she needed the little dog Brilyn beside her, this man didn’t seem to mind too much.

Patricia obeyed as this person told her that if this situation was not to her liking, she could report it. And Patricia, quite correctly by the way, didn’t wait for many days to file a complaint against the hospital and against this particular person. This complaint, which in “Castilla e Leão”, in Spain, was taken as valid, thus opening an administrative sanction against the hospital and causing its manager to recant.

More cases of discriminated against for having a guide dog

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A blind lady who entered an establishment frequented by Asians in Madrid with her guide dog was attacked with a baseball bat for being accompanied by her guide dog. This filled the woman who filed a complaint with indignation, as well as angering the inhabitants of Madrid who do not understand how in the 21st century there can still be people with such retrograde thoughts.

Taxis are often a problem in this matter of guide dogs. Many taxi drivers refuse to take them saying that the upholstery will be full of hair and that other customers may have allergies. However, we know that this is just one of the many excuses for not taking a dog in the car.

Patricia told us another story. When she was looking for an apartment to rent, the owner of one of them refused to take her because he was unwilling to put animals in the apartment.

These are situations you can fight and win against, but it’s a bit tiring wanting to fight everyone. Patricia prefers not to go where she doesn’t feel welcome.

Matilde Gómez of the ONZE Foundation in Spain advises that blind people should know the law very well and use it as a weapon of defense. If knowledge of the law is not enough, the owner or person in charge of the establishment must be present, and if this does not resolve, file a complaint.

If you witness any case of this type of discrimination do not be silent, act, because there is nothing sadder than seeing how some people try to prevent certain groups from being happy simply because they do not want to evolve in their thoughts over the centuries.

We hope that with everyone’s support, soon we will not have to hear these cases of discrimination again because someone is accompanied by a guide dog. And you, do you know cases of discriminated against for being accompanied by a guide dog? Share with us.

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