Doctor Dogs

the doctor dogs

Even without a university degree to accredit them, we could say that there are “doctors” that help us a lot to cure diseases of the body and soul. That’s how the Community of Madrid, in Spain, seems to have understood. With the Canine Intervention Service, it seeks to bring therapy dogs closer to schools, hospitals and homes for the elderly.

Therapy dogs for children, the sick and the elderly

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The objective of this initiative is to provide support, care and attention to minors, the sick and the elderly, but without dispensing with conventional treatments.

During 2017, a pilot phase will be developed. In this first moment,  the “doctors” of the Canine Intervention Service will work with people who live in homes for the elderly.

The president of the Community, Cristina Cifuentes, went to one of these centers – Vista Alegre – to present the program. She also announced that the project will be taken to other homes, such as Dr. Gonzalo Bueno and Nuestra Señora del Carmen.

The idea is that dogs help alleviate physical and cognitive decline in the elderly. Bimba, Chester, Voll and Sira are four Labradors trained for this noble task. And the furry ones have already made Vista Alegre residents happy.

Where else will the “doctors” take their services

The Canine Intervention Service will also be implemented at the Reina Sofia Foundation, where it will be aimed at people with Alzheimer’s.

In the case of hospitals, in addition to consolidating the program already started at the Gregorio Marañón University General Hospital, it will be extended to the following institutions :

  • La Paz University
  • Villalba General
  • Torrejon
  • Guadarrama

The program will also be used in some schools, such as Nobelis (Valdemoro), San Jaime (Majadahonda) and in CEIP Alonso Cano and Civente Aleixandre, in Móstoles. Here, the goal is to work with students who have special educational needs, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

It was also reported that, in all three areas,  canine therapies were always performed in open air locations or with direct access, without distractions or areas of passage.

More information about the Dog Intervention Service

In addition, the benefits obtained through the intervention of dogs in the case of minors who are in a lawsuit were analyzed.

As we’ve told you before in Meus Animals, this type of follow-up is done to reassure the children and get testimonials more easily.

In a second phase of the program, it is also considered extending the service to other schools, hospitals and nursing homes. The possibility of furry ones visiting their owners when they enter a health center or nursing home will also be discussed.

Check here some images that illustrate what the Dog Intervention Service is.

An initiative that has furry ones as our greatest allies

doctor dogs

To carry out this program, the Regional Government has the collaboration of the Rey Juan Carlos University. The institution has extensive experience with this type of action.

The work is also being carried out in coordination with the Colegio de Veterinarios. In this case, a dog health and zoonoses prevention protocol was developed to be used during the Canine Intervention Service.

In addition, there are animal welfare protocols. Thus, it is possible to guarantee the needs of the furry ones and that they are treated well by the employees of the institutions where they offer their services.

Cifuentes highlighted that “dogs are not just companion animals, but genuine allies when it comes to improving our physical and mental health, our education and our social services”. Hopefully we can give them back a share of all the good they’ve done us.

Image source:,,

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