Dogs Or Cats: Who Wins?

Dogs or cats: who wins?

Humans tend to see things in an antagonistic way, as if we are constantly having to choose and take sides. This happens in politics, in sports, in art… Almost everywhere, the questions arise: “such or such thing?”, “wine or beer?”, “sea or mountain?”, “cinema or theater?” And, of course, we ask ourselves the blessed little question also regarding pets: dogs or cats?

Dogs, cats and humans, a relationship with a lot of history

While it’s okay to be on the fence in many circumstances, there’s no need to overdo it either. Why can’t we like the sea as much as the mountain? Both beer and wine? From both dogs and cats?

The rivalry between these two species has existed since they inhabit our world. It is assumed that he was born, as in all cases, due to a dispute over food.

Afterwards, men began to be part of their stories  and, over time, due to a mutual relationship of convenience, bonds of affection and affection emerged and, little by little, they became our pets.

It was through observation, or because we established it that way in the beginning, that things became antagonistic, an example is the famous saying “live like cat and dog”.

The word competence should not exist among pets such as dogs and cats.

It is quite clear that reality indicates that many dogs insist on chasing cats. And there are also kittens that make fun of dogs when they are in high places.

But  it is also true that, over the years, the two species have learned to live peacefully in a house together, with their human family. And that, in many cases, they forged a true friendship.

Afterwards, it  will depend on the person’s tastes and way of being to lean towards a friend who meows or barks. Or maybe both. Or even by another species of domestic animal.

In any case,  the worst thing we can do with our pets is to get them to compete with each other. Don’t you agree?

Having a pet, a responsible decision

When deciding to have a puppy, we have to take many issues into consideration. And, of course, personal taste will be important when choosing between dogs and cats. 

But  we also have to always think in terms of responsibility regarding the pet that we are going to adopt  or that we are going to buy.

For example:

  • The space we have in our house
  • The hours that the animal must spend alone
  • The financial capacity to afford food, veterinary, accessories, etc.
  • The time we can dedicate to games, walks, hygiene, etc.
  • How is our family group composed

    Choose cats or dogs, or even both, but always treat them with love.

    Therefore, in addition to a matter of taste,  choosing a pet is also a decision that must be taken in light of our daily reality. 

    But, above all, it is a choice that must come from our heart. It’s no use having a pet because it’s in fashion or to want to show a certain social status.

    Preferring a cat to a dog, or vice versa, is no problem. The problem, in fact, is not loving your pet or subjecting it to different types of abuse. This includes, among other things, both humanization and the irresponsibility of not guaranteeing their minimum food and care needs.

    It’s also good for a pet to choose you

    So we go back to what we said at the beginning. The good thing about life is that we have the power to choose. 

    A song by Spanish singer Serrat perfectly describes your preferences. The Catalan says, among other things:

    • The paths lead to the borders
    • life to dream
    • time to gold
    • Voices from the streets to the dictionary
    • Neighborhoods in the city center

    And, as the saying goes, “each head is a world”, and it is important to always decide with complete freedom. 

    But it is also wonderful that a little animal, whether it is a puppy or a kitten, chooses you so that you can take care of it and offer it all your love. 

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