Home Veterinarians: What Is This Profession?

The global crisis affected all of us, including the union of veterinarians, who had to find ingenious and alternative ways to get a little extra money to make it through the end of the month. We’re talking home veterinarians, a new kind of job that’s working beautifully.

Furthermore, it is not only beneficial for themselves, but also for us, for all those who have pets and also for our own pets. Would you like to know why?

What is a home veterinarian?

This idea may be a bit unfamiliar to many people. I myself was surprised when after a few months of taking care of a friend’s dog, he had to operate on a benign tumor that was visible in the neck region and that was already breaking up. My friends gave me the number of a vet and told me not to worry, he would come home.

I never imagined he would operate it right there! I assumed I was only coming to see the animal’s situation or to take it away. Right there he placed some garbage bags on the plastic table on the terrace and performed the operation in a matter of minutes.

Well, this is a home veterinarian, an animal doctor who makes the consultation in the animal’s own home. While the above case is exceptional, home veterinarians can vaccinate, heal wounds, and perform inspections without you leaving your home.

One of these vets explained to us why she started doing this. “Rent prices in places like this, as well as taxes, have risen considerably with the great crisis that has hit the entire world. If I wanted to pay my mortgage and make it to the end of the month eating every day, I would have to reinvent my job.”

And like her, hundreds of veterinarians perform their work from home, while others simply do it as an extra that allows them to make ends meet despite having a physical clinic located in a fixed location.

How do home veterinarians work?

Answer the call of pet owners whenever an appointment has been requested. In other words, it works like any other veterinary appointment. Some also respond to emergencies. While it is obvious, logically, commuting to your home will incur additional costs, more so if it is an emergency or if it happens overnight.

Veterinarians take all your necessary utensils in a van, whether it’s to cure, have a check-up or even to operate your pet if necessary. Your vehicle is sterilized, as are all your instruments, so you have nothing to fear.

If your pet needs a more complicated operation or needs to be isolated for any reason, the home veterinarian will move you to the nearest veterinary hospital.

Advantages of home veterinarians

In the same way that a child hates going to the dentist, a dog hates going to the vet and when he sees the transport box arriving he already assumes that something he doesn’t like is going to happen. A home veterinarian will avoid this stress on the animal and also your own nervousness for seeing it like this.

On the other hand, dogs often feel uncomfortable on the cold tables of veterinary clinics, so being treated at home, in your own home, a place known to him and where he feels comfortable, will be a reason for relaxation that will do. make him more open to what the vet is going to do.

This will also make it unnecessary for you to face chaotic traffic to take you to a clinic, saving you time as you can be at home doing what you need or want. Of course, as I said, all of this comes at an additional cost, but who thinks about money when our pets are at stake?

This new alternative is definitely a luxury for those more remote places where there aren’t many services or where you have to travel excessively to get to the city. If you know a home veterinarian near your home, give them a try, you won’t regret it.

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