How To Care For An Injured Dog

Unfortunately, many dogs have accidents… every time we walk with our pet they run the risk of running away, crossing the street and having what no one expects, an accident. Therefore, it is very important to always educate our dog from an early age to walk beside us or use a leash . But we know that the instinct of dogs is to run if they see a cat or something that attracts attention. My Animals wants to teach you how to take care of an injured dog until he gets veterinary care and first aid , whether he was run over, or if he ate something poisoned or had an accident in some other way.

How to deal with being run over

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If the dog has been run over by a car, the first thing you have to do is lay it on its right side wrapped in a blanket;  if you don’t have one around, use whatever is within your reach, such as a coat, jacket, or something that won’t let your friend get cold.

You have to put your head straight to facilitate the intake of air, open your mouth and ensure that no foreign bodies are blocking the intake of air.

You should look at your pet’s chest to check breathing. If you are driving your pet to the vet, it is not recommended that you leave it on the ground, as any movement could cause further damage.

If the transfer is done by ambulance, try to be as gentle as possible, accompany him and talk to the dog so that he feels safer and not afraid.

Dog injured with a bleed

If you notice your dog has external bleeding, try to stop it as soon as possible. To do this, take a cloth or tissue soaked in water and press down on the wound until the bleeding stops.

You have to ensure that the animal does not bite or lick the affected area, this will prevent infection.

If your dog has been hit but apparently has no injuries, we recommend that you take him to the vet anyway so that the provider can assess and ensure that the animal does not have internal bleeding.

Dog injured with fracture

If your dog has fractured any of its legs on impact, you have to act with care and delicacy so as not to cause further damage to the animal.

We have to avoid movement and, if you feel able, try to immobilize the limb with a magazine, newspaper or even a bandage.

accidental poisoning

Poisoning accidents with dogs are very common, we know that animals eat what they find on the street and grass in the park.

If your dog has been poisoned, he may experience symptoms such as vomiting, dizziness, seizures and may even foam at the mouth.

If you know what type of poison your dog has ingested, report it to your veterinarian immediately so they know exactly how to treat your dog.

The first thing you have to do is give water or milk to dilute the poison. You can also make the animal vomit so it can expel the poison, although this is difficult.

Home care for an injured dog

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When your dog has an accident of any nature, we must provide first aid immediately and then take him to the veterinarian.

Upon reaching the professional, the animal will be evaluated and placed in a specific treatment, but the last part is when we get home, when we continue with the treatment until the animal recovers from its injuries.

It is very important that the place where your pet stays is always clean and disinfected. The room, the bed and everywhere he will be in his recovery must be perfectly clean.

If your pet has suffered a fracture or injury to one of its legs, it is best that the area is bandaged and as clean as possible.

We must prevent the dog from licking the wound and, especially, we must change the dressing regularly. If when disinfecting the wound you notice any anomaly, consult your veterinarian.

While it is important to monitor your pet and provide all necessary care, it is very important in recovery that you give your pet as much care as possible.

In this way, he will not be afraid and will feel your tranquility and attention. As for human beings, it is very important for our pets to feel loved and for the owner to transmit as much tranquility to them as possible.

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