If Your Cat Bites You, Follow These Tips

Although cats tend to bite to play with their owners, the truth is that we must correct this attitude to avoid injury.
If your cat bites you, follow these tips

Cats have a tendency to  bite us, to bite other cats, other pets or other people around us. The truth is, at times we can have fun, but when it becomes a habit, it can become a problem. If your cat bites you, don’t miss these tips.

If your cat bites you, follow these  tips

There are several tips you can follow to teach your cat not to bite, especially if he’s been with you since he was a puppy. With adult cats, teaching becomes a little more complicated, but it’s also a behavior that can be eradicated.

Always keep in mind that your cat doesn’t want to hurt you, but bites are often the result of your play. You already know how they love to play! If you are already aware of this, chances are that you understand your cat’s behavior better and that you can be more patient when trying to eradicate this attitude.

when your cat bites you

Set guidelines

If your cat bites you,  possibly this is a sign that he wants to play with you,  you have to make him understand that there is a time for everything, and that sometimes you can play and sometimes you can’t. Don’t let him want to get your attention by acting “aggressively”.

On the other hand,  if your cat is bored, he’s more likely to want to be and play with you. To help him with this, it’s best to buy toys and a scratcher that he can play with.

Toys can be used as a barrier between your hand and your mouth and thus get your cat used to it. After several times he will bite the toys.

fix it

Understand that he doesn’t act mean, he just wants to play, and he needs your attention. However, that doesn’t mean you should turn a blind eye to your pussy’s attitude. You must say “NO” when necessary and show him another way to go.

Of course, remember that  screams, blows and punishments get you nowhere. Because with that you will only drive your animal away from you and break the bond that took so long to form between you.

Positive reinforcement is always best, but in this case no prizes. If you reward your cat for stopping biting you, he will believe he did something that you will always reward him for, so he would bite you again and stop biting you, so he would have a chance to get his reward.

leave it at your leisure

If your cat bites you, it could be to demonstrate something he doesn’t like,  is bored, or also because he always wants you very close. Remember that cats are very  independent  and although they give you a lot of affection, they will only do it when they want to.

kitten biting finger

If you try to force the situation, hug him too much, pick him up off the ground all the time, the cat may rebel, and your only way of expressing that something is not right is with bites. How to avoid this? Know your cat, what he likes and what he doesn’t like.  Let him be the one to look for you and come to you whenever he wants and, in addition, watch his reactions to his caresses.

Pay a visit to the veterinarian

If after reviewing the above points, you see that the situation does not change, go to the vet. It could be that an illness is making you more irritable, or that behind the bites there is compulsive behavior caused by trauma, stress, anxiety, or any other emotional cause.

Also, remember that watching your pet will always be the key to unraveling the root of a behavior problem. So if you give your cat proper attention, but without stress, it’s possible that everything will return to normal.

Finally, you already know that the responsibility of owning a pet goes beyond food and drink, and that your entire well-being, emotional and mental, depends on us.

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