Learn All About Mastitis In Dogs

Know all about mastitis in bitches

Mastitis in dogs is an infection that originates in the breasts of lactating dogs (it can occasionally occur in dogs with psychological pregnancy). Despite being a common infection, there is a tendency to ignore it, so it tends to get worse over time and can infect puppies.

It is common for bitches to develop this infection after pregnancy and this is a very uncomfortable and painful condition for them. In particular, because the area in which it is produced is continually being stimulated by hungry puppies.

Causes of mastitis

This condition originates due to a drop in the mother’s defenses, which is vulnerable to attacks from pathogens, such as staphylococci, which enter her system through the wounds caused by the puppies in the dog’s chest.

The treatment of mastitis is necessary and it is important that you detect it as soon as possible, because mastitis can seriously compromise the quality of the milk and even cause the death of the puppies.

bitch breastfeeding


  • Lack of energy and obvious signs of pain in contact with the chest;
  • Abscesses or the appearance of tumors in the breasts, resulting from the retention of breast milk;
  • Diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite.

Symptoms in puppies

The “toxic milk” significantly affects the puppies, they quickly begin to show the following symptoms:

  • Skin problems, hair loss or wounds;
  • Weakening of the pups in the litter;
  • Constant crying;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Puppies lose weight quickly (within 24 or 48 hours) or do not gain weight after a few days.

If two or more puppies in the litter show these symptoms, the best thing is to go to the vet for a milk quality test, which consists of measuring the pH of the milk. The pH of breast milk is generally neutral, but in the case of mastitis it becomes acidic.

a preventable disease

The mastitis is a common disease and easy to avoid. However, this prevention will require you to spend some extra time on the dog’s hygiene and general care.

The easiest way to prevent mastitis is to start with hygiene measures as soon as the dog gives birth. Constantly clean the dog’s chest to prevent moisture from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. This should be done throughout the entire breastfeeding process.

The nest should also remain in excellent hygienic conditions, so you should frequently clean feces and urine to prevent the chicks from stepping on the dirt and transferring the germs to the bitch through their paws.

You will need to monitor the appearance of the breast, usually not a good sign if the breasts are too hard, have bleeding sores, or if the sores are red. If you detect this type of irregularity in your dog’s breast, take her to the vet immediately.

bitch breastfeeding


The treatment of mastitis belongs to the veterinarian, it is not prudent or advisable that you medicate your dog. In case of a positive diagnosis, the veterinarian will be responsible for taking care of your dog, while you will take care of the puppies.

It is important to immediately separate the puppies from the bitch to prevent them from consuming contaminated milk, so you will have to start feeding them special milk for puppies. Never use cow’s milk exclusively to feed the little furry ones. Cow’s milk can cause serious digestive problems in puppies.

Normally, to feed the young, a mixture of cow’s milk, special milk for puppies, egg yolk and bone meal is used.

The dog’s treatment will consist of draining the excess milk and a treatment with antibiotics to fight germs, as well as anti-inflammatory and analgesics to alleviate the pain the dog may be suffering, although this will depend entirely on the severity of the infection.

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