Pictures Of Dogs Before And After Being Rescued

Photos of dogs before and after being rescued

Love and care are essential for a pet to live healthy and happy. But this is more evident in the case of abandoned animals, some in desperate situations, which are collected and treated by protective associations or by good-hearted people, which gives them the possibility of having a new and good life. We will leave here some stories and photos of dogs before and after being rescued.

The history of Popochi

Popochi arrived at a pet shelter located south of the port area of ​​Buenos Aires, Argentina, with extreme weakness, very thin and almost hairless. His blank look and his weariness revealed the time he had spent in a situation of abandonment.

After the health control was carried out, treatment to combat Hepatozoon canis, a parasite transmitted by ticks, was immediately started. But they also worked to reverse, with love, the rejection and helplessness that the dog had lived for so long.

Over the months, the animal began to regain fur and weight, its gaze changed and the parasites disappeared. But the big victory came when Popochi was adopted by a family that decided to give him a happy home.

If you want to see more pictures of dogs and their respective stories, we leave this link for you to follow them…

popochi before


Image source: Facebook O Campito Refugio

popochi after


Image source: O Campito Refugio

Wrigley, the dog abandoned on a road

Wrigley was found by police on the side of an American road, locked in a cage. Someone had just thrown the dog in there and he was lucky to survive.

He spent time recovering in a foster home until he was taken to a protective association in the city of Chicago, where they resolved some of the pet’s behavior problems. There they worked to build his confidence and took some bad habits from him until the puppy was ready to be adopted.

So, after 8 months of rehabilitation, came the happy news that Wrigley had found a new family that would offer him all the love he had been denied at the beginning of his story, when he had been dumped like garbage.

We’ve left another link for you to see more stories and photos of dogs before and after they’re rescued.

Wrigley before and after

Image source: Facebook Trio Animal Foundation

Dog photos: Ayron and Wilson

Ayron is a Rottweiler who was abandoned in an empty house, awaiting his death. There, Wilson Martins Coutinho found him, with signs of having been beaten and with hypothermia. The dog had different wounds on its body and its paws were full of worms.

The man took the animal to his home, where he took care of the dog’s wounds and soon sought the assistance of a veterinarian to administer the appropriate medication.

With the different treatments, soon the dog began to show signs of recovery and began to feed. Today Ayron is a healthy and happy dog ​​who shares his life with Wilson.

ayron before

Image source: Wilson Will Martins

ayron later

Image source: Wilson Will Martins

Learn more about Wilson’s work

But Ayron isn’t the only stray animal Wilson has saved. Although he does not have many economic resources, this man roams the streets of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in search of dogs and other animals in desperate situations.

Luckily, his work became known and he was then able to count on the support of some veterinarians, who provide him with medicines and other supplies to treat injured or sick animals. But now he also receives help from many people who were touched by the beauty of his work and who have come to collaborate with his task.

Wilson may lack money, but he has plenty of affection to give to the many rescued animals he lovingly welcomes into his home.

Thus, thanks to the work of Wilson and so many other people like him in the world, we will increasingly be able to show photos of dogs that life has offered a second chance.

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