Pigeons Are A Worrying Urban Pest

Pigeons are a worrying urban pest

Cities around the world do not stop having new problems as the number of inhabitants increases. Environmental and noise pollution, uncontrolled traffic, accumulation of waste… Also,  pigeons are an urban pest, according to the opinion of many, but, above all, an issue to be resolved by trying not to violate animal rights.

Pigeons are a worrying urban pest

From peace symbols to aerial rats, there are many different opinions these winged beings generate in people. The tender image of the retired person who feeds the pigeons in the square or the children who have fun chasing them, lately, contrasts with the annoyance at the overpopulation of these birds and the many disadvantages they generate. And even worse, if one of them defecates on her new clothes.

Thus,  the proliferation of companies that together with rodents and insects promise to rid you of these animals is great. Pigeons are an increasing urban pest, this is a palpable reality. However, the methods they propose are sometimes ineffective or at odds with ethics.

Pigeons: an urban pest

In any case,  we must assume that these birds will continue to increase in number as cities continue to grow. For this reason, the control of the pigeon population is a problem that worries and occupies the authorities of large urban centers.

Why do pigeons cause inconvenience in cities?

Among the causes that are cited to try to control the overpopulation of these birds, we can highlight:

  • They are carriers and can transmit a large number of diseases, especially to children or immunocompromised people.
  • They damage the vegetation of gardens, squares and parks.
  • They damage and corrode building facades, license plates, etc., with their feces. Keep in mind that each of these animals “produces” about 15 pounds of feces per year.
  • They make nests in buildings that are part of the architectural heritage. Also, old buildings are more conducive to this because of their many ornaments.
  • They make annoying noises with their flutters and cooing.
  • They obstruct the air intakes.
  • They block the drains.
  • Break the antennas.
  • Disable alarms.

Birds that adapted easily to living with humans

Have you ever wondered why these winged creatures abandoned a more natural and wild environment, preferring the cement of big cities? Food is the key to things since the world is the world.

And, the fact is, animals are smarter than people want to admit. The reason is very simple:  these birds find it easier to find food in a big city. But not only that. They also find refuge and good places to build their nests.

Furthermore, everything indicates that they had no problems adapting to the noise and bustle of a metropolis. This means that they have  become used to human beings and their cities because there they can easily get everything they need to live.

Carrier pigeon

Pigeons are an urban pest that is difficult to control

The other question to answer is why have so many people developed a grudge against these beings? After all, there are too many issues to be a cause for concern these days.

Sociologist Colin Jerolmack considers that  the answer is  again because human beings generally hate everything that is beyond their control. And the pigeons seem to be winning the battle in that respect. They have no predators – if we remove man from that list – and they reproduce at a rather unbridled rate.

However,  large cities continue to take steps to try to moderate the growing number of these animals : from banning them to being captured, through providing food with contraceptives. Time will tell if humans and pigeons can achieve a harmonious coexistence on this beautiful and battered planet.

Main image source: José Carlos Cortizo Pérez

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