Pitbul Mother Seeks Help To Rescue Her Cubs

Pitbul mother seeks help to rescue her puppies

although unfortunately there are always some exceptions that and come to contradict the rule, the truth is that, if there is a love par excellence, it is that of a mother for her children . It’s unconditional and there is no more powerful force n the world.

Although this is something that is  very present in human beings, in the animal kingdom this phenomenon also occurs. Today we’re going to see the amazing story of a pitbull mother, that in front of the risk that their puppies ran , don’t hesitate or to seek help from human beings to find your puppies .

A mother lost in the supermarket


The C users responsible for an animal shelter in New Orleans, US United States,   received a call from a supermarket security guard located in a residential neighborhood of the city. He informed them of the presence of a dog in the store’s parking lot.

actually it was a mother of race pitbull, it was clear that the animal was in the process of breastfeeding . They knew that a dog loose on the streets of New Orleans could be a real problem.

When they found the animal I deduced ram what the puppies must not laugh  be too far away from there . One of those responsible ​​ from the center counts as the mother pitbull crossed the street and looked at him, and as he saw a   great sadness in that bitch’s eyes . For him it was a feeling very beautiful in the midst of such a difficult situation.

It was clear that this mother needed help and they didn’t hesitated in helping her. One of the caregivers of center comments that as soon as he saw her, he stayed shocked, seeing the worry that he had her by their puppies.

He s also realized that if the hand and was in this situation, lost,  with an evident thinness and abuse , who could have imagined what state the puppies would be in ?

The pitbull mother guides them to a house

They they say the dog directed them to a house . The owner was inside the residence,   While   the dog howled in the street . They surrounded the door asking if there was anyone in the house and, in front of the answer obtained they asked if he was the owner of the pitbull .

The man said that she it belonged to his housemate and the same was not because he was in prison.  the p professionals made quickly a picture of the situation:

O owner of the dog was in prison and it was clear that who should laugh to take her account had given up. They concluded that she must have been wandering the streets for months.

They decide to rescue the mother first and then save the cubs


After rescuing the pitbull mother , and they there also evaded the puppies to a shelter . However , before, they needed to get a court order to enter the house. AND they got in touch with a lawyer to help them with the necessary steps. to be able to access the residence and take the offspring.

the social assistance department got the man to give in to the petition and were willing to facilitate the entry of a caregiver inside the house.

The caregiver left with the first two puppies black in color what , Apparently , met in good condition. the next two brown in color were not okay.

Caregivers would have, It’s of course, that take them to the  mother, because the lives of the puppies were in danger. at the time, they regretted that there was someone able to behave in such a little way human with these sweet animals .

Finally, the family got together

the puppies are gaining weight very fast and their condition has improved almost miraculously. . Once together they are preparing to achieve the next goal : that everyone can ssam find a suitable home with owners who care in giving  all the s Caution s and the attention they deserve. Something that its owner  previous didn’t want to or couldn’t do it.

It’s exciting to see how this pitbull mom planned so that the puppies could be helped.  No doubt, all a display of maternal instinct. Here we leave the video for you.

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