Scratcher, The Best Toy For Cats

Scratcher, the best toy for cats

There are many toys available on the market for our felines. Even when we go to a pet store to buy a toy, we often don’t even know which one to choose, given the plethora of options. 

And there’s certainly been an opportunity to buy one, take it home, give it to our little furry, and have the frustration of seeing him play for just a few moments and leave the gift aside.

So, before buying a toy that is not indicated, it is good to think a little more so as not to make an investment in something that is not worth the expense.

Furthermore, on many occasions we see that our cats play with objects that we least expect  and that are not necessarily toys; but pieces that are scattered around the house.

They can range from a simple purse or even to be part of the furniture in the house, which we all know are not toys, but which look lovely to them, as they are great for scratching and strengthening their nails.

A necessary investment


Therefore, the ideal is to invest in a toy that is really necessary for your pet and that he will really use, such as the scraper.

This toy will undoubtedly help you a lot.

It’s not just for those pussies who destroy furniture, but also for those who invest time and energy jumping and scratching objects like trees.

These scrapers are suitable for cats that do not go to the streets, which are homemade, since the pussies that usually walk outside the house strengthen their nails on tree trunks.

However, those who live in houses or apartments need to find a way to meet this need.

That’s why scrapers have been used as replacements for trees.

much more than fun

Cats not only strengthen their nails by scratching certain surfaces, they also use this attitude as a form of communication.

When they do this, they are marking their territory and leaving powerful feline signals for the other inhabitants of the house, which could be other animals.

On the undersides of their paws, they have scent glands that emit olfactory signals to the rest of the household.

That’s why they need to sharpen their nails on certain surfaces.

For this reason, it is important to have scratchers in the home.

Even though they may take up some space, it is necessary that you have it, as your friend needs a corner to himself.

Where can they be found?

These scrapers can be found at pet stores, are sold over the Internet, and can also be made at home.

There are many manuals available on the Internet that explain, step by step, how to assemble these scrapers with few instruments and very easily.

They are built with materials we often have at home.

Sometimes people don’t like to buy certain toys, fearing that they won’t suit their furry pets, so making your own scratchers can be a lot better and save some money.

We often give the idea of ​​offering your cat a scratcher before he chooses one of his own, which could well be the sofa.

And it’s often much harder to break a bad habit.

How to get him to use it?


It’s difficult, but not impossible, for him to stop scratching the furniture and start using the scratcher, whether it’s what we’ve bought or even what we’ve made at home.

It’s a matter of time, but they’ll end up using the scraper.

We just have to move the scraper to the areas where it usually scratches.

So, if he has the habit of running his paws on a chair, we should position the scraper next to that chair, so that the little animal will realize that it is he who should be scraped.

When he starts using it, he will leave his footprints and smell and, consequently, he will start using the object more often.

There is also an herb, called Catnip ( Nepeta Cataria), known as the cat plant or cat weed, which cats love.

Put this herb in the scraper and this will encourage the cat to use the object. 

They like places that are quieter.

Thus, once they have learned to use the toy, even with the use of Catnip for this purpose, it will be possible to move it to a more appropriate region for our little friend.

Sometimes, the problem with not using the toy is not because they don’t like the scraper, but because of its shape or the position in which it was placed, whether vertical or horizontal.

That way, the way is to go testing different scrapers until you find the one that is appropriate for your pet.

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